

Hyson's Hijinks Race Report

Hey everyone, sorry for the delay in getting this out, giving the play by play on a 34 hour run takes almost as long to write as to run. Let this be your warning - the report is not short.

Anyone need a lap run at the enduro??

I was wondering if anyone needed a lap or 2/3 run at the enduro next weekend?  I am planning on being in town if work cooperates with me.  The only guarantee I can give is that I will make it around.  I was planning on doing 2-3 laps anyway and willing to do the run as a team member if anyone else wants to run some of it.

Vancouver 100 Registrants list updated

 ... the list of Vancouver 100 Registrants is now at:



Green Summer Challenge

     Last week, filling up my gas tank cost me over $50 for the first time ever. After paying, I got to thinking about how I could reduce the amount I drive to save a little dough. It didn't take long to determine that there are very few (if any) things that I need my car for. I could bike/transit just about anywhere I go. So I challenged myself (and anyone else who wants to be challenged). The challenge: No car, all summer.


First bear of the year

Saw my first black bear of the season and thought it deserved an entry.  I was running on one of my favourite trails out of Pemberton and came across a young juvenile bear.  It (I didn't think it appropriate to determine gender)as walking up the trail as I was headed down.  We eyed each other up and he decided I was more imposing/impressive?!  It may have helped that I was dressed in black as well.

Cycle to Walk

Through my work, where we provide non-profits and charities the capability of accepting and generating online donations, I have a great opportunity to connect with some extraordinary people. Some of these people are doing amazing endurance events and I find these stories motivational so I'd like to share some of events with you from time to time. Check out what Ramesh Ferris is doing at www.cycletowalk.com

On the Trails Again - Jackson Does Willie Nelson

Sometimes I get a tune in my head that I can't shake. I'm a big fan of Willie Nelson and today was one of those days... especially because I've been injured for a while and have been missing the trails. So with a tip of the hat to Willie, here's something to hum the next time you are on the trails!  (Yes, I do karoke at race finisher parties.  See my agent  =;-)

On the Trails Again
by Ean "Back in Action" Jackson

Missing The Fools

The morning started with a loud knocking waking me out of deep sleep.  "Oh shoot", I thought, "that is my running buddy... why did I not hear my alarm?"  Still half asleep I glanced at my watch (but being half blind I didn't realize that it was way too early for my running partner to be knocking at my door), jumped out of bed, raced downstairs, opened the house door, set off the alarm, had trouble resetting it without my glasses...only to realize that my friend was not there. 

The Vancouver 100 Finisher trophies

Have you ever wondered if anyone ever gets trophies for doing Club Fat Ass events?

No wimps, no whiners, no hassles, but sometimes trophies yes!

Check this out:


 You know you want one !!!!!


Karl Jensen and club with no name get mention in bellingham herald

Thought you'd all like to see the article in today's paper. Sorry they wouldn't print the club name or tee shirt. I tried to sneak it in the photo. Hope to see everyone next weekend. http://www.bellinghamherald.com/477/story/384791.html

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