

Good Luck Gary at Mt Masochist

So much comes down to good day vs bad day. Here's wishing Garry Robbins the very best day at Mt Masochist next Saturday. I know it will be your day, Garry - show them some serious Canadian talent!!

Dirty Diapers awesome

Are you ready for Go Deep on November 15?

I highly recommend this fantastic, beautiful course, especially in the rain. When we ran it, Mystery Falls were BIG and Dirty Diapers was a little unkempt and wonderfully technical.

More info through these links:

Cool North Shore

As some of you know Club Fat Ass had environmental friendliness on our schedule long before it was in the news.  It's a good thing that sustainability is now part of our vocabulary and hopefully soon part of all our actions.

I realized how much of an early adopter of environmentally friendly living I was when I was invited by my neighbor JoAN to participate in the Cool North Shore.

Do You Enjoy Helping People?

Kintec Footlabs has always been a leader in sports medicine, biomechanical assessment, patient treatment and patient education and we are looking to grow our team.  Basically, if you live an active lifestyle and enjoy helping people then we want you on our team.  We will teach you all you need to know about gait assessment, professional footwear fitting and professional brace fitting, all you need to bring to the table is a great attitude and a willingness to learn.

Chilko Challenge

The last couple months allowed me to take part in a couple pretty cool mountain bike adventures.  One was an innaugural event, The Chilko Challenge, and another was one of the best mountain bike races around, The Cheakamus Challenge.  I have written about them here:  http://grahamarcher.blogspot.com/.  You can check out each adventure with the links to the right of the page.

Campbell Mountain Race

Anyone interested in joining me for a trip out to Penticton this Sunday for the Campbell Mountain X-Country Race, which is a 6.5 km trail race? We could go for a longer run after if it is too short for you. The race starts at 10:00 so it would involve leaving before 6:00 AM Sunday morning. I can drive if anyone wants to join me post a reply. Ryan

Thank you shirt design team!

Now that the weather has turned cool, I'm finally getting a chance to wear and appreciate the long sleeved Club Fat Ass T. Comfy stylish and (so far) non-stinky. Wish I had more than one. So, I just wanted to give a big long overdue thank you to Sibylle, Vanessa, and Jess (and everyone else who helped) for all your creativity and hard work. Can't wait to see what's cooking for next year!

A Ticket to Injury-free Running?

My calf muscle first went "boing!" on a 30-minute run around the neighborhood before dinner one Saturday evening in late January.  There was no "pop", just what seemed like a low level cramp in the muscle between my heel and my calf.  (I think the technical name is soleus muscle.)  I ran through it, but it got worse, so I hobbled home.  No pain the next day, but I figured it would be good to give it some rest. 

My Strength Training Program

Full Body Strength Routine for Running/Triathlon

- this is a strength training program I have been working on for myself and have found it really beneficial so though I would share

- do as many reps of each exercise as you can, one set is fine

- focus on improving the quality (form and posture, and going deeper into each exercise as you progress), before focusing on increasing the quantity of reps

Wasatch 100: Three Canadians get hammered

This is how the race ended for me and Shannon. Someone from the aids station way up in the Wasatch mountain, mile 28, gave us a ride back back to McDo in the town of Bountiful. We didn't have any money with us and were desperate for a shake. It was a bit of a battle but they finally agreed to let us consume their fine products on credit like any other restaurant. Lucinda picked us up 45 minutes later and that was it for us and the 2008 Wasatch 100 edition.

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