
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Sibylle's 2010 Fitness Goals

Funny how a torn muscle can dampen the excitement of making New Year's Resolutions.  If you would have asked me 6 weeks ago, I would have been full of plans.  Now I am a bit more reluctant, but writing down my goals for 2010 will help to achieve them!

Here we go:

Goal #1: Vancouver New Years Day Fat Ass 50km.  I did have ambitions for improving my time, but because I am not quite recovered from my recent soleus tear, I will be overjoyed if I complete the full distance.

Genissa's 2010 Resolutions: Running and Beyond...

Hey everyone, here is my darling little list of resolutions big and small:

1. Chuckanut 50k (March 20th): Finish in under 7 hours

2. Lake Stevens Half-Ironman (August 15th): Finish. Period. Preferably without dying along the way!

3. Run enough that I don't have to worry about what I eat!!!

4. Participate in several CFA events and get to know other club members.

5. Create a second event down here stateside (because the Galbraith Mtn Tour was so much fun!)

I look forward to running with you all in the new year!



2009 Point Series Winner

Reagan White's 2010 Resolutions

2010, can't wait to meet you.

Travelling Colours Contest

Refer a Friend Contest - 2009 Winner

And the winner is....

I am happy to announce that Kristie Congram is the winner of the 2009 Refer a Friend contest.  Despite being sidelined by surgery and injury, Kristie refered 3 new member to join Club Fat Ass. Thanks, Kristie.

Here are the final standings: 

Happy Holidays and Have Healthy New Year!

I wanted to wish you a happy holiday season and all the best in the New Year.  As my final post for 2009, here's a quick tip for improving your fitness and health in 2010. 
Every New Year's day millions of people make resolutions to get into "better shape" but over 90% abandon their resolutions by the end of January.  My best tip to avoid this trap is to think about your fitness goals TODAY!  Pick one or two major goals and then devise a plan to achieve them.  It's a cliche but there's plenty of truth in the statement that

Pure Satisfaction Video Footage

Enjoy Action Jackson's movie from our Pure Satisfaction run:

Jason Eads' Resolutions 2010 – taking a BIG bite!

There is no one on this planet than I admired more than my Grandpa Eads. My grandpa always told me to set my goals high. Even if I didn't reach them, he argued, I'd get further along than if I had set the bar lower. Well, it stuck and this mentality is evident in my 2010 running plans. A couple of these races are tentative due to travel/logistical challenges I need to work out. Of course it ALL hinges on me staying healthy & injury free. 

Galbraith Mountain Tour - 2009 Results


19 December 2009 - Starter Photo

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