
Tonights Speaker Event Cancelled - Baby on the Way

Due to unforeseen circumstances (Graham's wife is having a baby as we speak) tonight's seminar is cancelled.  We apologize for any inconvenience and wish Graham and his wife all the best.  The seminar will be rescheduled at a later date.


Bill Dagg's picture


Having the baby was unforeseen or the event cancellation?
Sibylle's picture

The baby was very much

The baby was very much expected, but a bit early, I believe (we were out of town since Sunday and I haven't heard any news)  When we planned the date, Graham did mention that the due date is a week away from that date and there might be the possibility that he and his wife are in the hospital at the time of the talk...Having been 14 days late with both of my children I thought a week early was wishful thinking ;-)

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