
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Galbraith Mountain Tour - Car Pool from Vancouver?

The Galbraith Mountain Tour is in Bellingham, WA on Saturday 15 December.

Running in the Wild

Run for your life:

2008 CFA Steering Committee

As the year is winding down, I would like to thank all of you for keeping Club Fat Ass alive. Our club wouldn't be what it is without all your support, ideas and help.

Tom Mills Wins Membership Refund

Tom Mills is the lucky winner of the 2008 membership refund. Tom has been a long time supporter and friend of Club Fat Ass. He is not a runner and actually purchased the membership for his son, Russell. Tom has been collecting lots of good Karma - and not because he is into collecting brownie points, but because he is a genuinely nice and thoughtful guy.

Congrats to Western States lottery winners

Congratulations to the ones who were drawn: Gilles, Chad, Andy, Dom, Wade, Jeff and Marie. Disappointing for quite a few others but, hey, but it just means different challenges. Make a personal slam with any 4 "100's" of your choice. Don't forget STORMY!!

Last Day to qualify for Membership Refund

Last call to register for the draw for the 2008 membership refund. All members registered or renewed before midnight tonight will be entered into a draw for a fee refund. What are you waiting for? Register now! We appreciate early registration as it helps us to get the shirt order in very early in January.

The other important date to remember is 1 January 2008. Only members on record on that day will receive their 2008 collectors-no stink-long sleeve tech shirt. For those of you who have been wondering about the colours, the girl's shirts will be a deep purple (everybody who has seen mine loved it) and the boy's a warm shade of burgundy.

Membership registration will continue after 1 January, but you will receive the classic black CFA tech shirt. Nothing wrong with the black shirts... you just won't get the super duper 2008 edition.

Out of Town Runner looking for company on a 50km run - Monday, 3 December

This just in from an out of town runner looking to do a 50km on Monday, 3 Dec. in preparation for a race. Sounds like she is looking for trails, but not sure about pace. Anybody interested?

How to best not prepare for a trail run

After missing the club run on Saturday due to being sick, Sunday I was feeling quite a bit better and decided to head out for a run. I like to pack light so I stuffed some dog poo pickup bags into the pockets on my hand helds and my drivers license and car keys into my pants pocket. I decided I didn't have the space in my pocket for my usual array of safety gear when heading up into the mountains; a lighter. At least that way I can start a fire if I get stranded for some reason. I pulled my compass, which was hanging off the door handle, out of the way of the door as I closed it.

Seymour Super Fun Run - 2007 - Year 6

To add you own run report, please either use your blog (and it will be attached to this page by admin) or use the comment function below.

Please take a moment to fill our a brief event survey here.

Event Report

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