
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Post 50km Recovery

Flash - Lynn Loop Night Run

23 Jan 2008 21:00
23 Jan 2008 22:00

Raid The North Extreme on Global TV This Sat Night 9pm

Hey all, if you find yourself sitting around this Sat night, (Jan 12th) and trying to find something to watch on the ole tele, hit up Global T.V. at 9pm.

Training as a Layer Cake

My goals for 2008 include winning my age group in the BC ultra series. In order to figure out my baseline, I recently did a tune-up and oil change at the doctor's office and an athletic performance test at the Peak Center.

Goofy Race in Orlando January 2009

At first I was motivated by fear, fear of an early death from heart disease, heart attack or stroke.  My doctor said, every time I went to see him...you must do more exercise.  I have finally listened to him.  I trained for the Sun Run 10 Km and ran it 3 years in succession each time achieving progressively poorer times with training that was falling off each year.  then in October 2006, I decided to to join Paul Porter and his gang to train for the next Sun Run.  I succeeded in achieving my PB of 56 minutes.  I have since brought it down to 53 because I ran a

Running the Goofy Race in Orlando Florida January 2009

Hi Ultra Marathoners,

I am planning on running the Goofy Race sponsored by Disney World in Orlando Florida in January 2009.

Registration Date Begins on January 14, 2008.

Registration usually fills up for the Goof Run fairly quickly....in about 6 weeks last year.

Miwok 100k...Sold out!

Hard part is done, I got in to Miwok, now comes the fun part, training and running for a sub 14 hour finish.

Looking at some of the blogs, registration appeared to be closed by 8:30am.....it opens at 8am! I don't know if it was due to the West Coast Storm that's affecting NorCal or disgruntled WS 100 entrants who didn't get in for 2008. Hopefully there'll be some additional Canadian content.

50km on Willpower

Late last summer I foolishly pronounced I would line up for the Vancouver New Years Day 50Km again. Training was going well until life got in the way, my daughter got sick, my friends took a break from long runs and to top it of my right hip started to be very painful.

I eventually resigned to run the 25km yesterday and try the 50km another year. Deep inside, though, I didn't want to run the 25km. I wanted to do the 50km.

2008 - Year 15 - Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50 Run and Freeze Your Fat Ass Swim - Results

2008 Vancouver NY Day Fat Ass 50 - 85 Starters

Yes, I guess you could say we kicked off 2008 on the right foot... or 2008 is off to a running start... or har, har har (add your own corny running-related play on words in the comments below!)

Baldy's 2008 resolutions

For 2008, I want to (in no particular order):

PB a marathon.  Portland October 5, 2008 - 3:57:40, Portland October 2005 - 4:13:36, 16 minute PB!

PB a 50K. - Diez Vista 50K April 5, 2008 - 6:36:12, Diez Vista 50K April 2004, 7:38. 1 hour PB!

PB a 50 miler - Mt Si 50 miler April 13, 2008, 8:39, previous best, Elk Beaver 10:16!

Complete a 100K - Miwok 100k May 3, 2008, 15:20 I completed despite severe electrolyte depletion.

PB a 100 miler- Stormy 100 miler August 8-9, 2008. 29:30ish. About 4.5 hour PR! Good enough!  

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