
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Pippi makes some plans


Complete at least 15 Club Fat Ass events in 2008.

Complete 2008 kneeknacker.

Survive 2008 kneeknacker.

Run one international marathon.

Tone my fat ass.



Registration for the Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50 is now closed

Registration for the Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50 is now closed. There will be no day-of-event registration, but if you missed the boat, there is always next year. Registration for 2009 will open in a few days.

While it's too late to take part in tomorrow's event, it is not (yet) too late to register/renew your annual membership and get your 2008 collectors shirt (no-stink, long-sleeve Chitosante tech shirt). Please note, only members registered before midnight tonight will be included in the shirt order. Members registering later will receive the classic black or blue club shirts while quantities last.

CFA 2007 Travelling Colours Contest Almost a Wrap - Vote Now!

The 2007 Travelling Colours Contest is coming to an end.  This year all photos in the contest have been uploaded to Flickr and the "voting" is ongoing.  The photo deemed "most interesting" by Flickr will win.  Currently, Glenn Pace handcuffed in Texas is leading - who could beat that.  If you would like to take part in the decision process go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/travellingcolourscontest2007/interesting

Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50 Run and Freeze Your Fat Ass Swim

Never done an 'ultra', but always wanted to? Resolving to get off your butt and be a little more active in 2008 but don't know where to start?

CFA 2007 Points Series Almost A Wrap!

The 2007 Club Fat Ass Point Series is coming to an end. Although there are no more events before now and New Year, there are still 3 more days to collect points through referals (tell your friends to sign up and if they mention your name on the sign-up from you will get a referal point) to get closer to the gift certificate for a pair of shoes provided for the winner by Kintech Footlabs in North Vancouver.

Flash - Vancouver Christmas Fat Ass 50 K

22 Dec 2007 09:00
22 Dec 2007 16:00


A run on the traditional Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50 course

Running Lab Rat Challenge

Today I got my ass kicked.

Now, my Mama always taught me that a good sportsman is one who accepts defeat graciously and respects the one that whoop'd 'ya. What if I kicked my own ass?

Today I did a full-on $185 lactate, VO2 Max and Energy Usage analysis at Peak Center for Human Performance in Burnaby, BC. It involved running on a treadmill in a lab for about half an hour. I also had my finger poked from time to time with a little needle thingie. (Yes, my adventure drew blood!)

Blurr Sample Sale

Are you looking for that very well priced last minute Xmas gift? You will find it at the Blurr sample sale.

There are lots of really great items for $10.00 - $25.00.

Jesper wins again!

hey did anybody notice that Jesper Olsen won the international 6 day race ... again?

Check out his picture. He's in a light blue shirt with the word "Ecco" on the front. You'll need to scroll through the pictures to find him but there are a few there. 


And his next world run begins July 1, 2008: http://www.worldrun.org

Galbraith Mountain Tour - Results

15 December 2007 - Starter Photo

Please add your own comments or feedback via the comment function below or through your blog. If you have any photos of the day, please upload them to Flickr, add them to the CFA pool and tag them with GalbraithMountainTour2007 and GalbraithMountainTour.

Daniel's report will follow soon.


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