
Baldy's 2008 resolutions

For 2008, I want to (in no particular order):

PB a marathon.  Portland October 5, 2008 - 3:57:40, Portland October 2005 - 4:13:36, 16 minute PB!

PB a 50K. - Diez Vista 50K April 5, 2008 - 6:36:12, Diez Vista 50K April 2004, 7:38. 1 hour PB!

PB a 50 miler - Mt Si 50 miler April 13, 2008, 8:39, previous best, Elk Beaver 10:16!

Complete a 100K - Miwok 100k May 3, 2008, 15:20 I completed despite severe electrolyte depletion.

PB a 100 miler- Stormy 100 miler August 8-9, 2008. 29:30ish. About 4.5 hour PR! Good enough!  

log over 1000 miles in training and races (I have a GPS for this)

and most importantly make my no stink, long sleeve Chitosante tech shirt to be classified as a biological hazard.


Sibylle's picture

Final tally!

Baldwin, any changes in your achievement %? 
Baldwin Lee's picture

The odor isnt quite weapons grade

But it does smell peculiar after washing and drying the shirt, so I'd say partial achievement and will slightly increase my total to 91%.

Baldwin Lee's picture

Training Miles

This is a little harder to prove, but it's my log book, actually a spreadsheet of all the training miles I've done during 2008 to get the PB's that I wanted:

These are my Saturday and Sunday long runs(dist/time) starting the week ending

080203: 12 mi/4:30, 11 mi/3:30. 080210: 11 mi/2:20, 1st Half 21k/1:50. 080217: 17 mi/5:30, 12 mi/2:30. 080224: Hagg 50k/6:03, 12 mi/2:11. 080302: Dirty Duo 25k/3:17, 18.5mi/3:33. 080309: Quad Qruncher 71k/8:50, 12 mi/2:25. 080316: Chuckanut 50k/6:23, 15 mi/3:20. 080323: 34 mi/10:30, 8 mi/2:00. 080330: 6 mi/1:30, 21 mi/4:30. 080406: Diez Vista 50k/6:36, 16 mi/2:54.    080413: 3.5 mi/ 0:45, Mt Si 80k/8:39. 080420: 10 mi/1:57, 10 mi/1:52.       080427: 8 mi/2:20, 6 mi, 1:00.

As you can see, a lot of the races/events are included in my long runs because they typically on a Sat or Sun. Yes, it was very expensive training for Miwok which would've taken place w/ending 080505. The races have already been counted in the previous post and are distinguished by using k(ilometers) rather than mi. So I'm counting only the miles: 12 + 11 + 11 + 17 + 12 + 12 + 18.5 + 12 + 15 + 34 + 8 + 6 + 21 + 16 + 3.5 + 10 + 10 + 8 + 6 = 231 miles.

Kneeknacker and Stormy Training

I pretty took most of May off cause I was recovering from Miwok but I did find the time to do some running, mostly scouting the route for Bonkfest, which shockingly I found out is not 14.1 miles per lap but rather 13.27 miles per lap. That means that those who thought they ran a 100 miler when they did 7 laps actually ran 93 miles. Oops.

Anyways, 080511: 13 mi, 080530: 15.5 mi, 080601: 3 mi, 080607: 12 mi, 080615: 13 mi, 080622: 15 mi, 080629: 15 mi, 080706: 10 mi. = 96 miles

So this pretty much was my KneeKnacker training and I'm going to stop counting right now, because prior to KneeKnacker race day, my total training miles 231 + 96 = 327.

703 miles in races + 327 miles in training (Hmm, those numbers should really be flipped) = 1030 miles and I haven't even counted the months of July, August and September. I've achieved Resolution # 6.    

Baldwin Lee's picture

Adding up the miles for 2008: Races and other events

My other goals was to rack up 1000 miles or 1600 km in races and training so let me do up the races first as that is a more tangible list of what I actually did (this will be updated a lot):

New Year's Fat Ass Custom: 10k, First Half Half Marathon 21k,Portland Marathon 42k, Golden Hills Trail Marathon 42k, Jog for a Jug 11k, Nike Human Race 10k, Bill's Great Peak Ascent 29k, Midsummer Night Run 13k,Mardi Gras Night Run 18k, Dirty Duo 25k Pure Foolishness 13k, MountainHighway Madness - Fall 30k, Enduro 7.5 k, Squamish Brick (Sat) 50k, Squamish Night Crawler 57k, Vancouver 100 25k

24 Hour Relay 24k, Wild West Relay 34k, H2H 8k 

Hagg Lake 50k, Quad Qruncher 71k, Chuckanut 50k, DiezVista 50k, Mt Si 80k Kneeknacker 50k, Miwok 100k, Bonkfest 45k, Stormy 160k

Total km in Races so far (081114): 1125 or 703 miles

Next up, training. 

Baldwin Lee's picture

2008: Resolutions resolved

What an incredible year this has been so far and i still got 56 days left. So what have I accomplished?

Personal bests achieved this year

Marathon: Portland 3:57:40,my first sub 4 hour marathon, 16 min PR from 2006.

50 Km: Diez Vista 6:36:12, 62 min PR from 2004.

50 Mile: Mt Si 8:39, my previous best was Elk Beaver at 10:16 in 2007, 97 min PR

100 Km: Miwok,completed 15:20

100 Mile: Stormy 29:29:59, Tahoe Rim was 34:09 in 2007. 4.5 hour PR

I've also run Golden Hills Trail Marathon (6 days after Portland, we're talking Gilles Barbeau style)  

I've also run Hagg Lake 50k, Chuckanut 50k, KneeKnacker, First Half, I've run in Wild West Relay in Colorado at 8000 feet. 24 hour relay and will run Haney 2 Harrison relay on Saturday. I've run Jog for a Jug, Nike Human Race, and various hash runs.

In CFA related events: I haven't really done that much: I've done New Year's FA 50k and received unintentionally media coverage, Capilano Midsummer/Mardi Gras Runs, Quad Qruncher, Bill's GPA, Squamish Brick and Crawler, the Enduro, I really enjoyed hosting an event for the first time, Bonkfest. It was very rewarding in an unexpected way. Supporting Jess in her training for Vancouver 100 and the last quarter this year was crazy too. Oh the fun times we and Michelle shared on the BP, it just seemed to never end, no matter how much I wished it would.  Night running/walking was a new thing this year. I will be doing a lot of it this December as I plan to firstbag the Seawall 100 (the most was 75 miles ) course in conjunction with my Triple Century attempt on Xmas day.

Overall fitness, apparently I lost a lot of weight. That's what I hear. I must've been really huge last year, cause I can't see it.

The 2008 CFA shirt is starting to get stinky, not watery eyes stinky, but getting there. It kinda sucks that we got it in March so I only had nine months to break down the anti-stank properties.

So that's where I am so far. Like I said, it's been incredible and incredibly crazy. What else can I do?  

Sibylle's picture

Hey Baldwin....do you know

Hey Baldwin....do you know that you are allowed to wash the shirt in between to maximize on the no-stink properties.

My shirt is still going strong.  I haven't done any real long runs, so less sweat went into it.   ;-)

Can you please rate your goal achievements in %, as in 10 goals achieved out of 10 would be 100%.  That way we can judge better come New Years Day. 
Baldwin Lee's picture

I have washed the shirt!

Like 4 times.

Well I only had 7 goals this year: 5 of them were setting Personal Bests in races which I have done so that's 5 out of 5. The sixth goal is still in progress as I'm still adding on miles so that will be totalled 081231. The last goal is subjective. I will be of course biased, so I'll need an independent sniffer to judge how stinky my shirt is. Do you know anybody who might qualify?

So far 5 of the 7 goals have been achieved, so that's 71%.  


Sibylle's picture

I volunteer to wash your shirt

I volunteer to wash your shirt if somebody else comes forward as the sniffer ;-)

71% noted.  Please update if necessary before years end.
Baldwin Lee's picture

I'm now 6 for 7!

Well, I've added my miles up for races and training and I've run over 1000 quality road and trail miles in 2008. That's 6 out of 7 resolutions resolved and that means my percentage has gone up from 71% to 86%!

One resolution left, bring it on! 

Baldwin Lee's picture

The first step has been taken...

I've registered for Miwok 100k today, it's a little tricky as the website kept timing out, but I pulled it off. I'm in a (rarely) good mood, let's go for a run!

go big

1) break the 6 hour mark in the knee knacker this year.

2) other goal is a secret ... cause it's pretty lofty for a first attempt on the kk.

3) run the west coast trail ... time not a big issue.

4) run as many new trails as possible this year, notwithstanding my mountaineering goals.

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