
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

E/B 2009 news

Hi! everybody, I have been working on the set up for this years "Celebration of Distance Running". I am introducing a new event this year. A "First Timers" Marathon. This will start at the same time as the main events and will be open to 20 newbies. I know it is the day before the Vancouver marathon, but that shouldn't be a problem. It will be 4 laps of the Lake plus the extra bit.(run at the beginning of the first lap). This would be an ideal run for your teenage kids or all those running spouses that would be over here supporting their SO's.

Speaker Event - Survive Outside

26 Feb 2009 18:30
26 Feb 2009 20:30
Kintec Footlabs store, 975 Marine Drive (Between the Capilano Mall and Chapters), North Vancouver, BC Canada

What:  A seminar on how to stay safe for adults who love to play outdoors.


  • 6:30 - Meet at Kintec. Mingle.  Get good seats.
  • 7:00 - Seminar starts
  • 8:30 - Seminar finishes.  Keeners join our speaker for a pint next door at Taylors Crossing Pub


Flash - Foolishly Yours Roll-Your-Own Run

31 Jan 2009 07:00
31 Jan 2009 17:00
Malcolm Knapp Research Forest, Maple Ridge, BC

2009 January - Foolish Gerbil 50km Run - Results

Flash - Foolish Gerbil 50K Trail Run - Results

January 25 - 10 starters

Partner Wanted - TransRockies

I'm looking to do my first Transrockies Trail Run this August and looking for a female partner. Partners have to run together, and I'm not fast - looking for the T-Shirt, not the prize money. More info: www.transrockies.com. Have been training diligently over these snow covered north shore trails.

Flash - Mt Kenya Summit Circuit

1 Feb 2009 07:00
1 Feb 2009 14:00
Shiptons Camp - 4250 m , NW side of Mt Kenya, Africa

Join Des and Chris for the inaugural Flash event for a full circuit of the summit path around the peaks of Mt Kenya.  Medication for altitude sickness recommended unless acclimitised.  Meet at the green tent at Shiptons campsite. 

Flash - Foolish Gerbil 50K Trail Run

25 Jan 2009 08:00
25 Jan 2009 15:00
Pacific Spirit Park, Vancouver, BC

What:  A 50 K run on the trails in Pacific Spirit Park.

Bridges out on Mount Seymour trails

Thought I'd keep you guys up to date with what's going on with the trails on Seymour (I'm the weekday trail crew). The bridge at Deep Cove Lookout is down - washed away to somewhere (haven't found it yet!). That means a tricky creek crossing to get onto Old Buck/Perimeter, not recommended when there's been rain, and made even trickier at the moment with high snow banks. Also the next bridge down Old Buck is down, probably taken out by the previously mentioned bridge. This has left a wide creek crossing. Again, cross-able with care but not after significant rainfall.

Calorie Counter - Online Food Journal

"it's not just for fat people anymore, lol!"

Organizing your meal planning can be a challenging effort for an endurance athlete. I found this online journal -- http://www.my-calorie-counter.com -- can help people that want to closely monitor their food intakes. A comprehensive database of food items and products are available to calculate daily nutritional consumption. You can even create standardized meal plans to simplify journal entry. Overall, this website has many useful features that will improve both planning and monitoring of your nutritional requirements ...

Sports Talk with Dan Russell

Features an hour with Canadian Ultra Runner Ferg Hawke.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 22 - 9:00PM - 12:00AM

Go to the link below and click on CKNW “listen live” at the top of the menu or tune in to AM 980 on your radio dial.
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