
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

A Tight Dilemma

Don't you love running during the balmy days of spring, summer or even those crisp, sunny days of fall? 

Unfortunately, it's monsoon season on the wet coast.  It's also getting cold.  With a heavy heart, I have tucked my shorts into the back of the closet.  Problem is, I don't like running in tights.  I don't like the restrictive feeling and the heaviness when they get wet. 

December 2008 Newsletter

2008 December - Foolish Gerbil Twelve Hour Trail Run - Results

December 6 - 14 starters

There were not as many participants as in the six hour version of this run.  I'm don't know if that was because of the ridiculously early start time, the weather or perhaps some of the runners in the previous version have simply concluded that running with Fools is not really an experience that they want to repeat.

It was a treat to have some out-of-town friends join us. 

Flash - Foolish Gerbil Twelve Hour Trail Run

6 Dec 2008 06:00
6 Dec 2008 18:00
Pacific Spirit Park, Vancouver, BC

Marathon of Hope 2009

This just crossed my desk and some of you might be interested.  While for most Canadians the question probably is if anybody can do this, I know that there are a number of runners in Club Fat Ass who could take on this challenge (actually, one might argue that most runners would adapt to this kind of mileage) The main issue would be the time committment:

Greetings Canadian athletes,

Are you a passionate athlete who draws inspiration from Terry Fox's
Marathon of Hope?

And The Lucky Winner Is...

I am happy to announce that this year's winner of the early bird registration draw (as determined by a draw by my children) is Paul Cubbon of North Vancouver.  Paul is a long time member of Club Fat Ass. He conceived and organized the Stormy Trail Race in Squamish before moving back to the big smoke and handing the Stormy reigns to Wendy. 

Paul wins a full refund on his 2009 membership. Congratulations, Paul!

Come to Galbraith!!

Daniel mentioned to me that he was thinking about cancelling his event this year because he hadn't heard that anyone was thinking about coming. What???!!! So I informed him that we were most definitely looking forward to doing the event, and that I even specifically switched my work days so I could come. So, for any of you who have never run this event, I highly reccommend it. So many people showed up to Mike and Melissa's Fun Run which was 27km, and this event is only 5km more...you can do it!!

Seymour Super Fun Run - 2008 - Year 7

Congratulations to all that came out for a wonderful day of camaraderie and running! 

36 starters today plyed the treacherous trails of the North shore, some on route some not!  The 'official' route is ~27km with 3,200 ft (975m) of elevation gained and lost.  The weather was wet most of the time with temperatures around 5-7 deg C and puddles-o-plenty on the trail.  We encountered 2 hiking entourages with 20+ members that made zigging and zagging through moving obstacles all the more challenging!

Trail race in France

Howdy All.

Wasn't sure if anyone had heard of this race or not, so I thought I'd post some info.

On April 12th, 2009, my Sister, some friends and I will be running in the Trail Des Citadelles race in Southern France. This is a 71km trail race in the Pyranees Mountains and boasts an elevation gain of approximately 11,000 ft.

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