

Elk Beaver Ultramarathon on line registration.

Links available either at:- http://pih.bc.ca/elk-beaver-ultra.html or http://jackal100.blogspot.com/ [gmap zoom=13 |center=48.52297165304543,-123.3929443359375 |width=600px |height=300px |control=Small |type=Map]

North Shore Challenge

Last night I was very honored to be invited to speak at the North Shore Challenge. This event was held to raise funds for the Harvest Project, a social service organization that helps people who are in tough circumstances help themselves.

Avalanche and Backcountry Safety

With the recent and repeated avalanche warnings and the high number of avalanche fataities this year, our family has been talking about taking a back country safety course and avalanche safety training.

Both Action Jackson and I are drawn to back country skiing.  As of yet, we do not have any equipment, but it is on our radar... Craigslist watch out!  I have a low risk tolerance and like to be prepared...

Arrowhead 135

Just arrived here in international falls MN for the Arrowhead 135 mile race. on the last flight over I got to chat with last years winner and only finisher on foot Sarah Lowell. now I've just got to pass the gear check and get some rest. It's tropical over here with a temperature of +20 compared to last years -40. I was really hoping it was more like -10 and dry. maybe I'll have to pull out the shorts. 


Wild Horses

Just to let you know that I am still around... I have been keeping up with my ten hours of running per week,(three years now!)I am planning to run the Diez Vista 50K and in August hope to complete my third 100 miler in Squamish. Elk Beaver will be on line soon, I am race director again this year and have been thinking a lot on how to make it a better spectator and participant event.... Happy trails and enjoy my movies! ILTS!

Seymour Snowshoe Sleepover

Rune's Race Results

My list of ultra races.

By chronological order.


Post 50km Recovery

Training as a Layer Cake

My goals for 2008 include winning my age group in the BC ultra series. In order to figure out my baseline, I recently did a tune-up and oil change at the doctor's office and an athletic performance test at the Peak Center.

Goofy Race in Orlando January 2009

At first I was motivated by fear, fear of an early death from heart disease, heart attack or stroke.  My doctor said, every time I went to see him...you must do more exercise.  I have finally listened to him.  I trained for the Sun Run 10 Km and ran it 3 years in succession each time achieving progressively poorer times with training that was falling off each year.  then in October 2006, I decided to to join Paul Porter and his gang to train for the next Sun Run.  I succeeded in achieving my PB of 56 minutes.  I have since brought it down to 53 because I ran a

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