With the recent and repeated avalanche warnings and the high number of avalanche fataities this year, our family has been talking about taking a back country safety course and avalanche safety training.
Both Action Jackson and I are drawn to back country skiing. As of yet, we do not have any equipment, but it is on our radar... Craigslist watch out! I have a low risk tolerance and like to be prepared...
Can anybody recommend a good general back country safety course and avalanche training in Vancouver/North Vancouver? Are there members out there who would be willing to organize something for other Fat Asses? I have just started my research and not looked at any hands on courses...I got as far as finding a great resource by the Canadian Avalance Centre. Check out http://access.jibc.bc.ca/avalancheFirstResponse/index.htm
Avi training
Check out the MEC website...
There's a decent section on avalance awareness on the Mountain Equipment CoOp website.
Here are some useful videos. The MEC has a calendar that lists courses on avalance safety as does the Canadian Avalanche Center.