
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Feedback on the Pine to Palm 100 mile run.

Hi gang!

I was wondering if any of you can give me feedback on this 100 mile race?  I understand it is a remote and rugged classic point to point course traversing the Siskiyou; Mountains Range in Southern Oregon. www.roguevalleyrunners.com/P2P100/raceinfo.html

This is definately my cup of tea!  I see that Andy Nicol did it last year.

Any feedback good or bad would be appreciated!





Looking for Ideas and Suggestions on an event

 Hey Everyone,

I wanted to organize an annual "wilderness" ultra.   I put it in the events calendar as the Full Moon Frenzy Ultra  http://www.clubfatass.com/events/full-moon-frenzy-ultra 

Flash - Pacific Nights 1102

19 Jan 2011 18:00
19 Jan 2011 19:30
Pacific Spirit Park, Vancouver BC

A mid-week trail run, in the evening, in a group. Expect mud, rain, cold temperatures, total darkness, slippery roots and stairs.

Flash - Foolish Gerbil 80K Trail Run

22 Jan 2011 08:10
Pacific Spirit Park, Vancouver, BC



FAQ - 100 Mile Races

A couple of questions I frequently get asked related to 100 mile races: what's the easiest 100 mile race and what's the hardest 100 mile race?

In answer to the first question: they are all 100 miles; and to the second: the one you didn't train properly for.  These are probably not quite the answers people are looking for.  However, ultrarunner Gary Wang has a website: <http://www.realendurance.com/> which is devoted to ultrarunning. 

2011 January - Foolish Gerbil 50K Trail Run Report

It was a perfect day weather-wise for a run, except that it was just cold enough to create a bit of black ice on the pavement leaving the start area.  The two Fools at the front went down almost simultaneously, followed immediately by a number of other people.  The first Fool landed flat on his back, his head hitting the pavement with the sound of "a pumpkin smashing" as someone commented.  Wonder what was meant by that?  The second Fool

Flash: Orcas Training, approx 34km run

Tomorro, Jan 9th, we're starting in Deep Cove at 8am. Going up to Picnic Area via BP and Old Buck, down to Mushroom Parking Lot, Neds, Bottle Top, along Fisherman's, Circuit 8, Lynne Loop, come back to Gazebo, go through Lynne Canyon, BP up all the way up Seymour Grind, maybe back up to Picnic Area again turning left at top of Seymour Grind depending on our mileage, back down Old Buck to BP to Deep Cove.

New Years Resolutions Contest Winner 2010

In all the excitement around the holidays, wrapping up our annual contests and the Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50km Run, I somehow missed to post the winner of the New Year's Resolution Contest.  

Flash - Pacific Nights

12 Jan 2011 18:00
12 Jan 2011 19:30
Pacific Spirit Park, Vancouver BC

A mid-week trail run, in the evening, in a group. Expect mud, rain, cold temperatures, total darkness, slippery roots and stairs.

2011 - what am I going to do?

  1. Kick cancer's ass
  2. PB a 5km
  3. PB a 10km
  4. Build the base to get back to the trails and longer runs - how to measure? There's a 12km trail that I've walked and taken photos of, I run that and I've accomplished the goal
  5. Participate in 5 events


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