
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

January 2007 Newsletter

The January edition of your Club Fat Ass newsletter has been mailed out and can be accessed online here.  If you do not receive your monthly newsletter please click here to subscribe.

Snowshoe Adventure on Hollyburn Mountain

TV - Old one for videos
It's Sunday morning at 9:00.  I'm just coming off a cold.  Still feeling it, but it's shaping up to be a crisp, sunny day and I really want to get back on the running program.  My buddy Troy calls, "Want to go out for an hour on the snowshoes on Cypress?"  Humm.  That sounds not too aggressive and just about what the doctor ordered.

Club Fat Ass in Runners World Magazine

A while back I was interviewed by freelance writer Jeff Pearlman for a piece he was writing about a  multi day Sri Chimnoy running race.  Here is what was published:

Trail Running Road Trip

Hi Folks

I'm thinking about organizing a trail running road trip.  I realize that jobs/kids/school/spouses/other commitments might prevent some from joining me on such a road trip, so at this point I'm trying to determine if there would be any interest in such an event.

Although the specific details of the trip would be determined by the people going, what I had in mind was a 2-3 day trip, 15-20 slow miles/day to a destination in Washington, eastern BC, or the Island.  The exact dates and logistics will be determined by those interested.

Please post if you are interested.


Al Howie Was In Town....

Last night CGP, Ken Webb, another Ken(raw food) and I arranged to meet the E&N from Duncan. Al was invited, by Harriers Joanne Cowan to stay the W/E in her Goose-side B&B (Cycle-inn).
I hadn't seen Al since the Harriers 8K, back in '99 -I think, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Yes he is thin, yes he still wares glasses.

My Sorry Half Ass

After last years epic 50km on New Years Day I had my heart set on a repeat, but alas it wasn't meant to be.  Despite an increase in our training runs, Michele, Pat and I just couldn't get our mileage up enough to realistically attempt 50km.  When the snow in late November and the storms of early December put a damper on some of our runs we finally declared defeat and aimed for the 25km distance.

2006 Club Point Series Winners Announced

Baldwin Lee at the American River 50 Finish
With 2006 wrapped up, all event, crew, hosting, bonus and referral points determined, the second annual Club Fat Ass Point Series is now completed.  The winners were announced at the post Event party of the Vancouver New Years Day Fat Ass 50.

Bill D

Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50 - 2007 Course Updates

Rick Arikado kindly provided this photo reflecting the changes to this years Vancouver New Years Day Fat Ass 50 Run course (click on the title to see a larger image).  Rick also send a Google Earth file.  If you have Google Earth downloaded on your computer you should be able to open this link and see a very detailed map of the course.

Vancouver's Stanley Park Trails

Stanley Park Trails
On Thursday 14 December 06, a howler of a storm ripped through Vancouver's Stanley Park.  Winds of 115-120 kilometers/hour blasted the park snapping and uprooting 3,000 trees and causing extensive damage to the famous seawall trail.

This coming Monday 1 January 2007, I host the 14th annual »

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