
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Proposed date for the JDFT


I would just love to run the Juan de Fuca Marine Trail this July 21st.

I'will check the tides and times but this will take a bit of planning. 

I've done it faster from Botanical to  China beach Car pooling is the way to go for up to six and a driver.

That worked well last year....

Let's talk 

2007 - Year 5 - Capilano Canyon Mardigras Night Run

2007-02-17 Mardigras Night Run 001

10th Annual Tour de Trail

Howdy Folks;

I am looking for some serious trail runners and I noted that some of you ran the Sunshine Coast Trail.

This Sunday, February 18th, is the 10th Annual Tour de Trail which is a 12 kilometre run though the trails just east of Powell River. Last year the event was won by the "Gutbuster King" Graham Cocksedge who threw himself through the switchbacks in 46:40. Washout Trail and Blue Trail are old rail-grade trails, but Fred's Trail is wicked singletrack with roots and berms that, because you are going downhill through, make you feel like the ball in a pinball machine!

Traveling Colours Contest Vote 2006

Have you cast your vote in the Travelling Colours Contest? Don't miss your chance to participate in this popular contest.  Everybody can vote!

Please log in (click here to log in or set up a new account) then proceed to  the photo gallery to pick your favourite photo and vote.

2007 Point Series Standings Updated

The  2007  CFA point series standings have been updated.  Check out the contest page to find out who is in the lead.

If you are unfamiliar with our Point Series you may want to read up on what the contest is about and how points are allocated.  When you participate in a scheduled CFA event, you automatically enter the contest...and the fastest will not win!

Squamish Scrambler

10 Feb 2008 08:30
Please use the links below to find out more and register:

2007 - Squamish Scrambler - Year 3

Scrambler Post Run Write Up

WOW did we ever luck out with that weather!

It's always a lot easier to host an event when the weather cooperates, and there was no shortage of sunshine on this day.

Vancouver 100 - Update

An update follows on our current list of Vancouver 100 participants.

Club Fat Ass on Flickr

You may have noticed that event results usually include a link to a photo sharing site called Flickr.  It's a great site and frankly our Club website photo sharing/galleries and uploading capacities pale in comparison to the features Flickr offers.  Flickr is free and we are working on a way to integrate Flickr use into the CFA website.  In the meantime I've set up a Group Pool where you can upload CFA photos.  Go to http://www.flickr.com/groups/clubfatass/ to sign up for Flickr and the Club Fat Ass Group.

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