
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Speaker Event - Western States 100 and How to Train for a 100-Miler

22 Nov 2006 18:30
22 Nov 2006 20:30

Please join Club Fat Ass and Runner's Den for a entertaining and informative evening  November 22nd that explores the lunatic fringe of running:  The 100-miler.

This free event is hosted by Runner's Den and organized by Club Fat Ass.  Everyone is welcome to attend, however, seating is limited and preregistration is required.  Please register online at: Registration - Speaker Series Western States

Website Trouble

Over the last few days some of you may have noticed that our site is not working as it should.  Due to problems at the server/hosting end we've been experiencing everything from slow page loads, to missing images, to blank pages and dead links.  Thanks for all your feedback on this.

2006 - Year 2

  Go Home - 2006 Starters

Go Home? No way!!!

After checking out the scene of destruction on the shore, guess what, the course will NOT be changing.

After all, we're hardy trail runners. Wh

Go Home: Possible Route Change

Go Home - 2006 - Mystery Creek Bridge 2 days

After the torrential rains Vancouver and especially the North Shore Mountains experienced, there are some bridge issues on the course of the Go Home. We're determining if the course needs altering a bit. If it does I'll update the course description before the run. It will only be a minor change.

Everything You've Always Wanted to Know About 100-Milers (But Were Afraid to Ask)

I was recently volunteered to moderate a discussion panel at an upcoming Club Fat Ass speaker event.  The topic is the Western States 100-Mile Endurance run and how to run a 100-mile run

With the Western States lottery coming up in a few weeks and a stellar panel of Western States finishers assembled to share their knowledge, interest in the speaker evening is running high.

Ean Jackson's 2007 Fitness Resolutions

It's Sunday 31 December 2006.  I just assessed my 2006 fitness resolutions and gave myself a 75% or "C" grade.  Room for improvement!

Speaker Series - Western States 100 and How to Train For a 100 Miler

Please join Club Fat Ass and Runner's Den for a entertaining and informative evening on November 22nd that explores the lunatic fringe of running:  The 100-miler.

There is a horse race in the gold rush country of California called the Tevis Cup.  When his horse went lame at the start of the race 34 years ago, Gordie Ainsley decided to challenge the course on foot.  Gordie ended up running the 100-mile distance faster than some of the horses.  Like Forrest Gump, he started a trend.

Go Home - 18 November 2006

Join us on November 18th at 9:00am for "Go Home".  This 20km trail run features challenging terrain with approximately 2500m of vertical change on a mix of steep ascents and descents and fast, rolling groomed trails.  To find out more and to register please check out the event event website.

Beyond The Horizon - Expedition Canada

For the last two years I have been following the adventures of Colin Angus, Tim Harvey and Julie Wafaei who set out to circumnavigate the earth using human power.  Last night, I attended their presentations at the Denman Theatre downtown.  If you don't have any plans for tonight yet, I highly recommend you attend their last engagement in Vancouver (then they are crossing Canada to present in different cities). 

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