
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Spring Bunny Hop - 2008 Results

5 April 2008: Starter Photo - 2 happy starters and finishers!

Beautiful blue sky and snowy trails all around. The temperature to start is about 3 degrees as we wait 15 minutes, but to no avail, we have a no show (the sanest of the group no doubt).

DV50K movie remix

Great run by all the CFA troupe, I remixed the movie so that it plays smoother. Appologies for the heavy breathing and "body" noises.. Hahahahaha!

The Spring Bunny Hop Results 2008.

Beautiful blue sky and snowy trails all around. The tempeture to start is about 3 degrees as we wait 15 minutes, but to no avail, we have a no show (the sanest of the group no doubt). Off we hop down the trail, Peter and I, wondering if this is a mistake, should we be on skiis or shoeshoes, to late we've started this run called the Spring Bunny Hop. It's got to be spring somewhere but not here,usally here the trails are pretty much bare this time of year but as we find out we're in deep, up to 24 inches of snow, that's above my knee.

The Spring Bunny Hop.

As I sit here typing away wondering how many endurance junkies out there will show up to run on approximatly 24 inches of hard packed snow and ice in Ontario in April. I ran for an hour Wednesday to see what the trails where like, I've run on worse. The trail is somewhat like the mountian madness run in 2006, a little more ice out here, and the snow is a little more forgiving when you step off the trail, still deep though. As I write this my training partner and now fat asser Peter is on his way to verify the trails.

Running America – Be In The Movie

This might be fun if you happen to live or travel close to the proposed route:

JDFT take two.(solo?)

Short notice I know but one of my buddies is planning to do "IT" (Juan De Fuca Marine Trail) again this Saturday.  He has a plan but we are all tied up with the DV this W/E.

If anyone wants to go this Saturday, this is Randy Duncan's original link. http://pih.bc.ca/chat/ReadMessage.php?nMessageID=117656

Running Movies

I thought some of you might be interested in a movie playing at the Scotiabank Theatre (formerly Paramount) on Burrard Street next week. Spirit of The Marathon is playing for one night only, on April 9th.

Plain 100

I came today across the website of this 100 miler run on the Cascade mountains; maybe for others here (read: fools) this run is old news.
And if this race is not yet part of ultra folklore, I'm sure it's fast on its way there.

100 ("+"...) miles, No flagging, no t-shirt, no pacers, no aid stations, "you receive nothing from anyone", no stashing, and to top it all off properly - "if someone figures out what they think is a cool way to use the above rules to their advantage over their fellow runners, I reserve the right to disqualify them."

Double Black Diamond

A “Nice” Run Around False Creek

Nice. Just got back from a run around False Creek after being away for the better part of two weeks in Costa Rica. Now, I’d didn’t expect the run to feel great as, while away, I only managed to get one run in – that being about 35 minutes of getting my butt kicked in 35 C degree heat with probably somewhere around 90% humidity (a run though a tropical rain forest – who’d have thought?). So, when I headed out around False Creek, I was hoping to just get the legs and lungs working again. No great expectations.

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