
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Cycle to Walk

Through my work, where we provide non-profits and charities the capability of accepting and generating online donations, I have a great opportunity to connect with some extraordinary people. Some of these people are doing amazing endurance events and I find these stories motivational so I'd like to share some of events with you from time to time. Check out what Ramesh Ferris is doing at www.cycletowalk.com

New Membership Chair

Please join me to welcome Amy MacArthur, who has kindly offered to take over the CFA Steering Committee Membership Chair position for 2008. Amy has been a CFA member for a number of years and you probably have met her on the trails. When not out running she spends her time doing research at the BC Cancer Agency helping to identify environmental, genetic and other risk factors for various types of cancer. Her professional background includes degrees in Health Sciences, as well as Epidemiology and Public Health.

On the Trails Again - Jackson Does Willie Nelson

Sometimes I get a tune in my head that I can't shake. I'm a big fan of Willie Nelson and today was one of those days... especially because I've been injured for a while and have been missing the trails. So with a tip of the hat to Willie, here's something to hum the next time you are on the trails!  (Yes, I do karoke at race finisher parties.  See my agent  =;-)

On the Trails Again
by Ean "Back in Action" Jackson

Speaker Event - How Foolish Can You Be? - Why We Run 100-Milers

29 Apr 2008 19:00
29 Apr 2008 21:00

Join the "Fools" (Karl Jensen, Chad Hyson, Gilles Barbeau and John Machray), friend of the Fools Lucinda Iglesias, STORMY 100-mile Run RD Wendy Montgomery, folks from Kintec Footlabs, Club Fat Ass, a few friends and curious for an evening of tales from the fringe of ultrarunning: the 100-miler.

The Fools claim to be absolutely normal, yet they run 100-milers... apparently on a whim. Isn't that an oxymoron? How do they do it? Why do they do it? Could you run 100-miles, too? Why might you want to?

There will be entertaining stories about long distance trail running, some more foolish than others, that will have you itching to lace up your trail shoes. Even if you rather have a root canal than run 100 miles, you'll appreciate the humour and insights into what makes these "fools" keep on going (and going, and going....) You'll also hear why running a 100-miler is the easy part when you learn what it takes to "crew" a 100-mile runner.

Missing The Fools

The morning started with a loud knocking waking me out of deep sleep.  "Oh shoot", I thought, "that is my running buddy... why did I not hear my alarm?"  Still half asleep I glanced at my watch (but being half blind I didn't realize that it was way too early for my running partner to be knocking at my door), jumped out of bed, raced downstairs, opened the house door, set off the alarm, had trouble resetting it without my glasses...only to realize that my friend was not there. 

Flash - Hyson’s Hijinks

25 Apr 2008 00:00
26 Apr 2008 09:00

What: A 160 km aka 100 miler on the Baden Powell Trail between Deep Cove and St Andrews Rd (the road crossing before the hydro substation at Millstream/Craigmohr).

The Vancouver 100 Finisher trophies

Have you ever wondered if anyone ever gets trophies for doing Club Fat Ass events?

No wimps, no whiners, no hassles, but sometimes trophies yes!

Check this out:


 You know you want one !!!!!


Karl Jensen and club with no name get mention in bellingham herald

Thought you'd all like to see the article in today's paper. Sorry they wouldn't print the club name or tee shirt. I tried to sneak it in the photo. Hope to see everyone next weekend. http://www.bellinghamherald.com/477/story/384791.html

Mt Si 50 Mile: Good Intentions

This was supposed to be my last training run before Miwok 100k. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

All I really wanted was a nice long run somewhere in the 10-11 hour range to properly prepare my body for all the stresses and discomforts of a 100k event. I figured since I was still in recovery mode from Diez Vista 50k last Saturday and that I had ran 16 miles of road the day after, my legs would be really dead.

North Shore Bliss

Having been born at Lions Gate Hospital and having lived on the North Shore for all of my life it could be easy to take this place for granted. But I don't. I often hear of people complaining about the rain, the cold, the expense etc. I guess complainers are just complainers and I grew up in a family where complaining is a no no. (Unless of course you are standing in a gondola line up on a certain north shore mountain). My only complaint about today is that it's ending.

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