Sit down, grab a coffee. This write-up turned out to be more of an epic than I expected.
Sometime during the week Tim tells me that Craig’s planned a Vancouver 100 training run to cover the route from the new start of the Knee Knacker (KKNSTR) to Cleveland Dam. Apart from the training benefits, there are two main goals for this run: 1) familiarize ourselves with the new KKNSTR start (or the Vancouver 100 ½ way point, if you like); 2) check out the snow conditions on the top of Black and Hollyburn Mountains. “Sounds like a great idea”, says I. “As long as I can work out the kid arrangements, count me in. Where do we meet and when?” “We’re to meet at 7 am at Cleveland Dam Saturday morning and car pool it to the start.” Huh? 7 am? What kind of sick person would plan a training run for 7 am? Tim, being the astute fellow that he is, manages to scrounge us up an extra ½ hour of sleep by arranging to have his amazingly accommodating wife Maureen drop us off at 7:30 at the start. We’ll meet everyone else there.