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Dirty Duo Volunteers Needed
Submitted by Sibylle on 1 February, 2009 - 17:47
This just in from Heather for Dirty Duo racers and potential volunteers:
Online reg or mail in reg has early bird rates till Feb 9.
We are hoping to put together a crew to chop fallen trees but it hasn't
happened yet. Bottle Top has quite a few trees down. Some chainsaw
folks were out on Bridle Path and we thank you! I have decided to
purchase a chainsaw and learn some new skills.
We ran on Saturday on hard-packed snow (and practiced squats getting
under trees). Many trails are okay with Yaktrax or Microspikes. I'm
really enjoying the Microspikes for the great grip and confidence
The berm is not in great shape. And there's a stretch of Baden-Powell
between Twin Falls bridge and Lillooet Road that has quite a few trees
down and the stairs are icy.
The dog walking trails are best because they are packed down.
If you have been up to Neds, let me know how it went.
Okay, so where's the rain when we need it?
-Feb 7 we are doing orientation runs from LSCR for 25 and 15 km groups.
Drive all the way north on Lillooet Road past the new filtration plant.
-Feb 7 a ride is scheduled from Jaycee House (weather permitting).
-Feb 7 ultra run starts at LSCR. I'm not sure who will show up but you
can always run with our 25 km group and add an extra loop. I will
provide detailed instructions and maps. (Some of our leaders are ultra
runners and we have several pace groups.) Drive all the way north on
Lillooet Road past the new filtration plant.
P.S. The gazebo fell down! It looks like a bike ramp now.
On race day, we are encouraging racers to refill their own water
containers this year so we can cut back on paper cups. There will be
lots of water at all the aid stations except Neds. (If anyone wants to
help bring water down Mushroom Trail from Mt Seymour picnic area Friday
night Mar 6, let me know! It's an adventure.)
Please contact Heather if you can volunteer for race day Sat Mar 7. We have
morning and afternoon jobs. You get an automatic free race entry for
The Phantom Run in November.
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