

Lausanne Marathon

Hello everybody!

Here is my big run in 2 days. I will run the half-marathon with my husband. I don't know how it will go as we are both tired...but  "l'important c'est de participer" (you should understand that one after allll your years of French at school ;-)    )

Here is the link : http://www.lausanne-marathon.com


Going on the wagon and rules for healthy eating

We had a fantastic summer here in BC and I hope you had as much fun as I did.  While the weather was great for enjoying the great outdoors it also contributed to me indulging a bit.  So to get my nutrition back on track I began a simple nutrition plan after the Labour Day weekend – I gave up alcohol and sugar. 

Youngest Bagger???

This summer has seen great outings into our beautiful and challenging back country to bag the peaks of the Bagger Challenge.  While I didn't get into it until late and subsequently don't have many peaks to my name, I enjoyed that this was something to do with the whole family.  There are many peaks that are perfectly suitable for younger ones... and we got proof right here (very sweet):



Leftover Baggage

As the sun sets on the 2009 Baggers Challenge, I have come to the sad conclusion that I should have quit my job if I were serious about bagging them all. 

Yes, at one time I thought it might be possible to bag them all in one season.  It is.  But you have to get on it early and get those high bad boys while the sun shines and the days are long.

10 Points for Effort - Zero Points for the Bagger Challenge

Mid September, the family had planned and hoped to camp at the Frosty trail race and enjoy a last late season camping trip...but circumstances saw us throwing a birthday party for a freshly minted teenager and hauling dirt for the never ending backyard project...

My Conversation With Mallory

Running the JDFT one more time...

So here we are,October the 2nd. 6:40 am in the dark setting out to do it one more time...

I will offer this sevice for another couple of weeks then I have to rest for my 100 miler in the desert.


A non-bagging adventure :)

While you busy-bodies were bagging peaks on the coast, two other fat-assers were exploring new trails in the Interior during a week off in September.

If anyone ever gets a chance to visit Glacier National Park near Roger's Pass, BC, you gotta do the Glacier Crest Trail! We had an amazingly beautiful day and the views were spectacular (see above).

More pics:

Seven Days of Baggery Makes One Weak

I think I have Bagger's Fever.  The symptoms have been particularly acute this past week:

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