

2009 Green Rock 40-mile "Fun Run" with St. Louis Ultrarunner's Group (S.L.U.G.'s)

At the 6:00am start there were several SLUG's ready to throw down with Green Rock trail. In my opinion, it's one of the more difficult trails in the St. Louis area. Green Rock is named as such because it's a 10-mile point-to-point trail that connects Greensfelder Park in Eureka, MO northward to Rockwoods Reservation in Wildwood, MO. The terrain is difficult, but the positive is that the weather was supposed to be clear and cool with a high of 40 degrees F.

2009 Seymour Super Fun Run Report - Midwest U.S. Style!

My wife, Lauren, works on the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday – every year. It’s a bit of a bummer, but that’s the way it goes. This year, like usual, I was faced with deciding what to do with my 4-day weekend. It’s typically a choice of: (A) driving from my home in St. Louis, MO to visit my mother in Arkansas, or (B) staying in the St. Louis area to spend the holiday with my Dad & his side of the family.

Ode to Seymour Super Fun Run 2009

A little ditty to remember the day by.

Sunshine Coast Trail - Millenium Park Update

After ten years working toward acquiring the lands known as Millennium Park (Willingdon Beach Trail below Highway 101 and south of the Haul Road, as well as McFall Creek Corridor west of the Complex to the Pole Line), City Council has passed a motion at its November 19th Council Meeting enabling this acquisition from PRSC.

Sunshine Coast Trail shelter, plus Shuffle and Trudge

As president of the Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society (PRPAWS) I'm happy to be able to report that we are nearing completion of the first of 8 shelters we are building at regular intervals along the 180-km-long Sunshine Coast Trail (SCT) at Fairview Bay. We will need a few more work parties to put the finishing touches to it, but the roof is up and the loft will sleep at least a dozen people right now. Use is free.

Bagger Challenge Top 10 Peak Adventures

No doubt controversial, but these are the best, in my mind. They are biased towards adventures with good trail running components.

Mountain blueberry/huckleberry bagging top 15

Top-6 Best fungi bagging runs

  1. Capilano Mountain (1685 m)
  2. Mount Windsor (1689 m)

Harry's Top-6 list of bagging adventures for kids

Trail-tested by a Third Grader

  1. Strachan (views, icicles, and gray-jays that eat out of your hand)
  2. Black (newts in ponds)
  3. Hollyburn (blueberries)
  4. Dam (good for night hikes)
  5. Gardner (good views; good food at end)
  6. tie: Goat and Artaban

Best bagging adventures with kids


Combining views, sense of adventure, other highlights (lakes, tarns, berries), safety, reasonable distance and steepness and variety

Trail-tested by a kindergartener.

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