

Good Luck, Western States Runners!

Rossland Run - Seven Summits Plus





You are invited to the inaugural Rossland Run on July 18th, 2009. Distance options (approximate) are 55 km and 25 km. The course will be 95% singletrack with lots of climbing - and what goes up must come down. The starting point would be the Seven Summit trail-head (by Nancy Greene lake) and the ending point would be our place - 1817 Planer Crescent. Cold beverages and a bbq will follow the event. 

Long Version

Mt Slesse: An adventure to consider

It's been a fun couple of weeks seeing new trails! Dilly Dally yesterday at Butzen and Mt Slesse in Chilliwack the weekend before. Nice to mix things up a bit. Mt Slesse is the sight of a famous plane crash many years ago. The plane carrying some professional football players as well as regular folks crashed into Mt Slesse, but no one knew this or where the plane went down, until a climber came upon the plane. When we went there was still alot of snow, but in the summer you can see alot of remnants from the plane as no one is allowed to take anything out.

Come run the Fluffy Bunny!

New date and time! This sat June 20th, 0900. Come for coffee and light breaky items at 0800 when the park opens. Prizes to be drawn at 0830. Must be present to win. I'm planning on the full 35km along with a fellow fat asser Krys. Never been up on the Dilly Dally trail and am looking foward to it. Looks like Claudia will be joining us. yay! hope to see you out there. plenty of distances!



Vancouverite no more

So, I've moved to a different part of this gorgeous province of ours... I only had the chance to take part in two (or three? I can't remember) CFA events before I moved away from Vancouver but they were SUPER fun. And now I'm wondering if any of you are over on the Vancouver Island side of the water? I'm living in Victoria now, right near the Lieutenant Governor's house (within spitting distance of the garden, if you stand on the balcony - you're welcome to come over and give it a shot!).

Scorched Sole Ultras 2009

I hung out at the back of the pack of 17 starters
Of this inaugural running of the 80k(50Mi) here in Kelowna.
This year was the first time that the newly rebuilt trestles were incorporated into the course, after the disastrous fire that burnt for weeks in the valleys and mountains behind Kelowna BC.

I ran the entire race with Gail and Janet.
We talked Ultra the whole way and by the second 30k loop of the Myra bypass we had managed to reel in about 6 stragglers.

Go, Mudrunner, Go!

Glenn Pace

Glenn Pace's webpage for his solo 24-Hour-Relay run of 110 miles is now up.

Please give early, give often, for this worthy cause:

Fluffy Bunny Trail Run

New date and time! June 20th 0900, Buntzen Lake.

Lots of distances for all runners.

For those who have attended before, there will be no pre run breaky this year. I have just updated the "Agenda" page to reflect "light snacks" and COFFEE pre run at 0800 when the park opens. Prizes will be awarded at 0830 for all those who are present. Due to the variety of finish times, this seems to be the way to go as a post run get to gether wouldn't work.

Video of the Dam Foolish Trail Run

Here it is:

Oak Bay 1/2 marathon

Today as part of my training for the Scourched Sole 50Mi, I took in a local Half M and made a movie.

Actually there is a lot of Fat Ass stuff in it.

We saw a new gal today from Vancouver win the 1st.Place femail, didn't catch her name...she was very swift today.

I'm still banging away at my super simple training programn for any distance from 5K-180K.

Have a great season, and see you at the Monty.

Camping anybody?


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