

Running sick?

I'm very glad I ran in the New Years Day Fat Ass 50 and Freeze Your Fat Ass Off Swim (minus the swim as usual). I'm also glad that I didn't get really sick from doing it. It's been a long standing question of mine whether you should run when you're sick or stay at home and hide under the covers. Having had my heart set for a long time on a great start to the new year I decided to brave the elements.

My Running Start to the New Year!

My idea of a good start to the New Year includes running 50km.  Doing anything less among our ultra friends always makes me feel like a couch potato. 

Now, there are good reasons to opt out of a full 50km on New Year's Day:

Healthy Eating Workshop

Happy New Year!  I hope you had an enjoyable Christmas holidays like I did.  I took some much needed R & R and let myself indulge in some sweets, drinks and overeating a litte.  I still managed to get my workouts in and am on track with my marathon training, which I'm really enjoying. 
The next area I'm going to focus on is getting my nutrition back on track.  Sure I had fun on the holidays but I could feel a difference in my energy and body with the added sugar, alcohol and not being as diligant with getting my veggies in. 

Orcas Island50K trip.

I am wondering if any of my Vancouver friends are planning to make the trip down for the race?

I am entered, and on a standby for the Harriers bus which is, at the moment full!

Friday is a free day for me so I could easilly get over to your city  for the trip down across the border to Anacortes for the ferry to the Island.

Unfortunately in the winter that is the only way for us Islanders to get there...

Any cost incured will be shared.

Here's hoping....


Craig's running goals for 2010

Keeping it simple and with the understanding that I am not in the contest for 2010 because of a post Dec 31 entry, I thought I'd put some ideas down for my running goals. And I'm looking for suggestions/invitations from others to help me out:

New Years Day 2010 Run with St. Louis Ultrarunner's Group

Unfortunately, I couldn't make it to Vancouver this year for the New Year's Day run and get 2010 started off in that way - but it didn't mean I couldn't run :)

The next best thing is running with my local group, the St. Louis Ultrarunner's Group (S.L.U.G.'s). They are a great bunch and had planned  a run at Hawn State Park near Ste. Genevieve, MO. It's a trail I had never run, so I thought it was an opportunity I must take.

Keith's 2010 goals

1. Well 2009 saw the circumnavigation of the earth by bicycle, 44,500 kilometers of randonneuring brevets. I hope to make this 50,000 kilometers by the end of 2010.

2. Fat Ass 50 come rain or rain.

3. Knee Knacker for the seventh time if the lottery gods smile.

4. A road marathon, maybe Newport?

5. As many CFA events as possible, Capilano Night race and Pure Satisfaction for sure.

6. My first CanAm Pin which means doing a 1,200km brevet in Canada and the US, VanIsle 1200 and Cascade 1200?

7. Having fun whatever which way.

Claudia Bullington's 2010 Fitness Resolutions

1. Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50 km & Freeze Your Fat Ass Swim - CFA - Jan 1 / 2010 - Custom Run with little Eric

2 -Participating in one Club Fat Ass events per month (or minimum 12/year)

3. Chukanut 50 km race in March

Kristie's planned acheivements for 2010

2009 was the year of least running, that's not going to happen this year. Here we go in chronological order:

Sibylle's 2010 Fitness Goals

Funny how a torn muscle can dampen the excitement of making New Year's Resolutions.  If you would have asked me 6 weeks ago, I would have been full of plans.  Now I am a bit more reluctant, but writing down my goals for 2010 will help to achieve them!

Here we go:

Goal #1: Vancouver New Years Day Fat Ass 50km.  I did have ambitions for improving my time, but because I am not quite recovered from my recent soleus tear, I will be overjoyed if I complete the full distance.

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