
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Inaugural FEAT Canada comes to Vancouver's North Shore


FEAT, an evening of adventure sport-themed talks, has crossed continents and the Atlantic Ocean to land in Canada for the first time. The first FEAT Canada evening will take place as a part of the Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival (VIMFF) Fall Speaker Series in mid-November.


Membership Registration And Renewal for 2012 Now Open

Well, it's that time of the year again: Registration and Renewal for Club Fat Ass for 2012 is now open!  

E/B Ultras 2012

Dear Friends,
I have pride in offering you all, once again, the full range of events.
The 25 mile Ultra Walk, the "First Timers" Marathon, 50K, 50 mile, and 100K races.
Announcing a few new features this year.
Firstly, I moved the date to the second Saturday in May.
12th.May 2012 the date you should try and keep with your Ultra buddies, here in Victoria BC.I moved the date so that I could offer you, up Islanders and out of town guests, a group rate at the closest and best accommodation option for my race.

Inaugural FEAT Canada comes to Vancouver's North Shore

Barefoot running article in the NYT magazine

By Christopher McDougall, the author of Born to Run. It reads a bit like an update on the subject, 2 years after the book.


But simply putting something different on your feet doesn’t make you a gliding Tarahumara. The “one best way” isn’t about footwear. It’s about form. Learn to run gently, and you can wear anything. Fail to do so, and no shoe — or lack of shoe — will make a difference.

This really is the whole point: Be gentle, soft (and quiet), no matter what you wear on your feet.

Flash - The Silly Chili Triathlon 2011

11 Nov 2011 13:00
11 Nov 2011 22:00
North Vancouver, BC, Canada

2012 Twisted Quaich winner and compleatist

With his conquest of mighty mountains Collins and Apodoca, including the discovery and introduction of new user-friendly trailblazes, Ken Legg completes his lifetime sweep of all 56 Peaks of the North Shore Bagger Challenge, and becomes the proud holder of the Twisted Quaich for Spirit, Bag-building, and Unorthodox Achievement.


Series of Dreams: the Bagger Quaich champions of 2011

The Bagger Quaich champions of 2011:

Munro Quaich: Bill Maurer: 50 peaks

Pippa Quaich: Carolyn King: 33 peaks

Harry Quaich: Harry Crerar: 10 peaks

Tundra Quaich: Tundra the Ultra Dog: 22 peaks

Twisted Quaich: tba

Congratulations, despite the summer of dismal weather.

Halloween Run Prizes

I am happy to say that outside of free coffee for everyone dressed up this Saturday for the Halloween Run, Terra Breads is giving away 2 gift baskets one for best costume and one for worst! Hope to see you all there!

We'll go no more a-baggin'

Fittingly, the first snow falls on our glowing pulchritudinous peaks as the Bagger Challenge draws to a close, ending this afternoon at 6:30 pm.

Please check your peak tallies carefully, and send me any of your last-minute conquests tonight. Load those photos up to the CFA flickr account!

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