
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Liza's 2012 Resolutions

My goals and resolutions for 2012:

-run at least 2 50K ultras

-volunteer at at least one ultra race

-run the inagural Squamish 50 (either solo or as part of a relay team)

-beat my previous bagging record (23 peaks in 2011) in the 2012 Bagger Challenge

-stretch at least 2X per week, every week (barring illness or injury)

-attend at least 6 CFA events, and host a Flash event


and that's it!


Jackie's resolutions 2012

Alas, both Jackie Muir and I are both "Jackie M.", so for those who don't know me, I am NOT Jackie Muir, and she has NOT drastically simplified her running goals for 2012. My (modest) resolutions for 2012 are: - participate in at least six CFA events - actually host Sunshine in September in SEPTEMBER! - run at least three >21k races/events this year - run my first 50k event - log > 1,200 km over the year That's it...Jackie (Montgomery)

Reagan's 2012 Fitness Resolutions

Goals for 2012 Running/Bagging Events:

* Finish in Top 3 in club point series, participating in at least 16 club events
* Finish in Top 10 in bagger challenge point standings, bag at least 12 peaks
* Build on 2011's 1st three ultras and run 4 ultras in 2012

Apart from the running/hiking, I aim to:

* serve another term on the steering committee, but do some heavy lifting this time around
* update the ActivePorker iPhone app for 2012, include a showcase for the Bagger Challenge

Alli's new year resolutions

1. Run a sub 40 10k 2. Run a sub 3 marathon 3. Run at least 5 CFA events 4. Be able to do one chin up with baby on back 5. Stay uninjured!!

Refer A Friend Contest - 2011

And the winner is.... 

I am happy to announce that David Papineau is the winner of the 2011 Refer a Friend contest.  David talked 6 of his friends into becoming Fat Asses.  They will be forever grateful.

In case you wonder, old Action Jackson and Sibylle like to compete, but are not in the running...

David won a pair of Brooks Trail Running shoes kindly provided by our Business Member and foot specialist, Kintec.  

2011 Point Series

I am happy to announce the winners of the 2011 Club Point Series.  Since Ean and I do compete just for the fun of it, but not for prizes, Des Mott will take away the title this year.  Des has been an early member in Club Fat Ass and is a regular at our events year round.  He is also the host of the Go Home Via The Hanes Valley run in late August.  Des wins a pair of Montrail trail running shoes, kindly provided by our sponsor, Kintec Footlabs/Montrail. Congratulations, Des.

Contests Wrapping Up

We are seeing a few tight races in our various contests.

David Papineau pulled ahead in the Refer a Friend Contest, but is still in reach of Jess and Carlos.  

Running Research

Hi Guys,

I am doing a project getting some research on certain types of running and running injuries.

If you have a spare 5 mins, I would truly appreciate it if you fill in this quick survey. Max of about 10 questions most are multiple choice.


Thanks in advance.

Sibylle's 2012 Fitness Goals

I am feeling more like a cyclist these days then a runner....certainly haven't been able to put any mileage in since earlier in the year.  I guess my main goal this year is to get rid of the very painful heelspur that has been plaguing me and prevented me from consistently running:

Goal #1: Healing the painful heelspur on my left foot.

Sibylle's 2011 Fitness Goals - How did I do?

Here is my assessment on how I have done with my New Years Resolutions for 2011.  In general, I ran much less than I hoped for, due to a naggin injury.  However, I was able to at least do custom runs at most CFA events.  My lofter Bagger Challenge goals did me in though...Only climbed 2 peaks...

Goal #1: Vancouver New Years Day Fat Ass 25km.  done 1/1

Goal #2: Healing my torn ankle ligament! done 1/1

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