
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

January 2012 Newsletter

Seymour Sunday

15 Jan 2012 08:00
15 Jan 2012 10:00
Bean around the world (Parkgate Mall) / Mt. Seymour

Travelling Colours Contest 2011

New Years Resolution Contest - 2011

And the winner is...Reagan White!  He achieved 56% of his resolutions for 2011.  For doing the best job of hitting his goals, he wins a pair of Solomon running shoes and a video gait analysis from Kintec Footlabs.

Sam Chiu's 2012 Resolution

  • 3x2km Quest CWSC Biathlon
  • Dirty Duo 50K
  • Chuckanut 50K
  • Mt.Si 50Mi
  • Vancouver Marathon
  • Whistler Half Marathon
  • Edge to Edge Marathon
  • Tenderfoot Boogie 50K
  • Knee Knacker
  • Canadian Death Race
  • 5Peaks Whistler
  • Frosty Mountain 50K
  • Goodlife Fitness Victoria Marathon
  • Whistler Ultra 50

Tanis' New Year Resolutions

1. Run a full marathon.

2. Run my first ultra in October!! WAHOO!!

3. Run injury free!

4. Volunteer at at least two events.

5. Run for myself and health!

Eric's 2012 resolutions

  • Chuckanut
  • Vancouver 100 (strictly more than half the distance)
  • Kneeknackers
  • a 100k (Foolish run, maybe?)
  • Frosty 50k, faster than 2011 time of 7:50
  • Participate to 10 CFA events
  • Pick up garbage (!)
  • Bag all the peaks within reach of public transit, without a bike (list TBD, but it's a somewhat objective criteria). In other words, something like all the peaks below and including the line: Runner, The Needles, Crown, Harvey. (West Lion excluded.)
  • 3 waterbags out of the 4 I can think of: Cypress range, Grouse range, Seymour range, a peak up from Lions Bay.
  • Run the TCT from Horsehoe Bay to Langley, with the Boundary Road -> Langley section in one go. Run more of the TCT than Ean.
  • Run to/from work at least once a week.


New years resolutions - Marc Schmitz

1. Complete (my first) 2 Ultras (maybe the Kneeknacker route plus one additional one)

2. Complete 6 CFA events plus 6 flash events (days of peak bagging would count as a flash event since it serves a club related purpose)

3. Volunteer or collect garbage while participating in CFA events on 3 occasions throughout the year

4. Get to know my fellow CFA members (potentially being able to recognize at least 20 of you on the street by the end of the year, know your names and remember at least one detail about you)

2012 - Year 19 - Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50 Run and Freeze Your Fat Ass Swim - Results


1 January 2012  - 93 Starters

New Year's Day: Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. ~Mark Twain

My Fitness Resolutions

Though not generally inclined to air my hopes, dreams, failures, and shortcomings in public, as I sat in bed this morning rather hung-over, 3 doughnuts into my requested birthday breakfast of a plate of Tim's and a double-double, and having already missed my morning ski, I stumbled across the CFA Resolutions Contest and thought the threat of public humiliation might be my best option. In the spirit of getting my fitness back on track I resolve to do at minimum:

(1) one marathon

(2) one ultra

(3) 40+ days on skis

(4) 5 CFA events

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