
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Website Email Delivery

Please note that we currently have an email delivery where emails from the website are not being delivered. We are working to resolve this issue.


February 2012 Newsletter

The Stair Climb for Clean Air

13 month old Amelita completed her first race today - she had her own chip and bib even! She "raced" up the 48 flights of stairs at the Sheraton Wall Centre in 13:56... With a little help from her momma. Her favorite thing was waving and blowing kisses at the spectators - and stopping to drink at the water stations.

2012 - Year 10 - Capilano Canyon Mardigras Night Run

Capilano Canyon Night Run Mardigras - 2012 Starter Photo

Wear your new CFA 2012 shirt to Distance Runwear and WIN!

As a kick off to Distance Runwear's support for Club Fat Ass we are offering a prize of a $25 gift card to the fifth (5th) CFA member that comes by our shop at 4800 Main St in Vancouver. You need to be wearing your shirt. Don't dispair if you aren't the fifth we'll still have something for you...a little nourishment for your next run.

We look forward to seeing you.

Dave & Meghan

Distance Runwear

4800 Main Street

Vancouver, BC

V5V 3R8


Event proposal: Elfin Lakes and Beyond

During this year's foggy Squamish Scrambler, we all regretted not seeing the mountains around us. To give us another chance, I would like to organize a sister event this summer (end of July, early August) in Garibaldi park: Elfin Lakes and Beyond.

Start from the parking lot at 8am, three distances: Red Heather (10k), Elfin Lakes (22k), and a long distance around 40k (to one of Little Diamond Head, Opal Cone, or Mamquam Lake). It would be a reasonnably tough run, up to +2000m elevation gain/loss, but it's a out-and-back, so turning around at any point will be easy.

2012 - Squamish Scrambler - Year 8

Club Fat Ass Events - Squamish Scrambler Snowshoe Run - 2012

11 February 2012 - 16 Starters

Shirt Update

The 2012 Club Fat Ass Wear collector shirts are almost ready. I picked them up from the sewing place last week, dropped then off at the screener and am expecting them back this week.   

As soon as I have them in my hands, I will package them up (could use a hand or two for that - so much more fun with company) and mail them out. 

If you haven't renewed your membership yet and would like a shirt, I recommend you sign up now as I have only a few shirts left. 


Seymour Sundays

5 Feb 2012 08:00
5 Feb 2012 10:00
Bean around the world (Parkgate Mall) / Mt. Seymour

Flash - Snowshoe for the Haggis - 2012

4 Feb 2012 12:00
4 Feb 2012 23:00
North Vancouver, BC Canada


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