
My Fitness Resolutions

Though not generally inclined to air my hopes, dreams, failures, and shortcomings in public, as I sat in bed this morning rather hung-over, 3 doughnuts into my requested birthday breakfast of a plate of Tim's and a double-double, and having already missed my morning ski, I stumbled across the CFA Resolutions Contest and thought the threat of public humiliation might be my best option. In the spirit of getting my fitness back on track I resolve to do at minimum:

(1) one marathon

(2) one ultra

(3) 40+ days on skis

(4) 5 CFA events

(5) one Gran Fondo (or similar event)

(6) 5 races not noted above

(7) keep my back healthy

(8) renew my gym membership and go twice a week

(9) lose the "baby weight"

(10) enjoy running


Good luck, and may we all tie for first place in this contest!