
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

The Monty Preview Run

Full MontySo, 48 days to go! I'm so excited already, I had to take a swim to calm down after the run.

The trail conditions today were excellent, the heat produces that fragrance from the forest  that makes you want to get back out there, so heady and comforting....

Ludo (last years winner) joined me on the trail after about 40 minutes. When I started, I thought that I was going to be running solo, but was pleasantly surprised when my random yelps of joy were answered.

Photo: Ludo on top of the World during a Monty preview run

North Idaho Kick Ass 50/25 Run

Copper Falls - North Idaho

The North Idaho Kick Ass 25/50 is coming up July 1.  Enjoy wonderful the wonderful trails and terrain near Copper Falls.  Event Host Keith Thompson has spared no trouble to make sure you have a great time.  He organized 4 aid stations and there will be a bonfire in the evening after the run.  Find out more and register here!

Copper Falls - North Idaho

Paul Purin's Western States Story

Hi everyone, I am back safe and sound from an unforgettable day in the Mountains of Tahoe National Forest. It was magnificently beautiful and I am so thankful to have had the chance to view such amazing terrain. Although short-lived it was an incredible learning experience. My hat goes off to all those who finished with Dave and Gilles from the North Shore way to go as you are both super-men in my books!!!! These are two local athletes who beat the heat and crossed the line. Here is my story for those interested:

Whale Shark vs. the Mako Shark

Kitsilano PoolIt's a drag being injured.  I fear nobody at the Capilano Eagles running club will remember me if I were to show up at a Tuesday evening workout.  Friends are out running Western States 100, doing Ironman tris, ramping up for the Knee Knacker and I'm surfing the Internet looking for a silver bullet for my bum knees so I can get back on the trails.  I guess it's divine retribution for my misspent youth?

Go Deep or Go Home-Yoga

One of my new year's resolutions was to do Yoga. I have stuck to it and love Eion Finn's Power Yoga at Vancouver Yoga. Now you will get a chance to see what this Yoga deal is all about. Eoin has kindly donated 4 of his classes as a prize to one lucky runner of Go Deep or Go Home.

Don't think Yoga works?

Go Deep or Go Home


I just want to inform everyone that this year is the last chance for a course record on this course. Next year there will be a slight change. Instead of heading up the BP to Old Buck, next year the race will branch off and head up Three Chop Trail to Old Buck. A much steeper and longer climb.

I think that will make the course more demanding and a greater challenge.  


2006 - Year 4 - XTC Results

Club Fat Ass Event - XTC Start

XTC Coming Soon

Mark your calendars... the 4th annual Vancouver Skyline XTC (Cross-Country Trail Challenge) is coming up this Saturday.

This is your typical north shore trail run with lots of mud and single track.  It's a bit unique, however, in that you can choose to run a 25K "up", a 25K "down", a 50K "up and down" or roll your own distance by just running as far as you feel comfortable.

Go Deep or Go Home - Four pairs of Montrail running shoes up for grabs

Mark your calendar for the Go Deep and Go Home on August 26. This year marks another year where 4 pair of Montrail are up for grabs to anyone completing any of the distances. No one ever has completed the 80km yet and if they do, I might consider having a special 1 pair for the 80km distance.

As always there will be other great prizes but definitely the Montrail shoes are the top prize for all you trail running folk.

The 2006 Vancouver 100 Run Report

It was cruel and unrelenting.  “This is the hardest run I’ve ever done”, repeated several runners including one of the most experienced and the fastest runner this year, Rod Hatfull.  “Thanks very much but you’re an evil Race Director”, to paraphrase Geoff Palmer.  “This is the hardest 100 km run anywhere” according to Glenn Pacé.
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