
XTC Coming Soon

Mark your calendars... the 4th annual Vancouver Skyline XTC (Cross-Country Trail Challenge) is coming up this Saturday.

This is your typical north shore trail run with lots of mud and single track.  It's a bit unique, however, in that you can choose to run a 25K "up", a 25K "down", a 50K "up and down" or roll your own distance by just running as far as you feel comfortable.

Those training for KneeKnacker will find the XTC to be a great training run.  It's near impossible to get lost on the first 20K, so it's also a great introduction to trail running.

Details at www.clubfatass.com/events/xtc

Ean Jackson

PS Have a free beer at the Mosquito Creek Grill afterwards.  Prizes for best wipeout, most lost, most prolific trash collector and farthest travelled