So, 48 days to go! I'm so excited already, I had to take a swim to calm down after the run.
The trail conditions today were excellent, the heat produces that fragrance from the forest that makes you want to get back out there, so heady and comforting....
Ludo (last years winner) joined me on the trail after about 40 minutes. When I started, I thought that I was going to be running solo, but was pleasantly surprised when my random yelps of joy were answered.
Photo: Ludo on top of the World during a Monty preview run
We stopped for about 10 minutes for various photo op's, and for about 5 minutes at the first turn around at Caleb Pike.
I think I have talked him into doing the Full Monty with me this year. I'm not worried about being sucked out of my comfort zone by his speediness, as I will run the first 25K as mid paced pack leader. From the turn around at the 25K mark I suspect I will be soloing. Ludo knows the course better than I do so I'm not worried about him, if there is more for the double looper I could probably pace them through it.
The likes of Geoff could probably give Ludo a good run for the course record. As yet, no one has done the Full Monty!
The after run party will be from 13:00 at Durrance Lake. Ms. Jackal will be at Caleb Pike (like last year) for the drinks table, then after the last of the Halfers go through, she will set up at the Lake for the picnic. The drinks table will be left unmanned for the two loopers, unless I can talk one of my Harriers pals to guard the go-juice for a while.
By the time the long haulers get in, I'll be just about ready for a pint of Pipers Pale Ale at the Loghouse Pub on Millstream Rd.(@ 17:00). There will be time to catch a later ferry for the mainlanders.