
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Membership Survey

Club Fat Ass is conducting its First Annual Membership Survey and we want to hear from you, whether you are a past, present, or future member.  What do you think we're doing well and what kind of changes or improvements would you be interested in seeing to CFA events or membership benefits?

Please let us know by taking 5 minutes to complete the brief survey linked below.  This survey will expire on Tuesday, July 25th.

Please click here to start the survey.

Happy trails,

Michele Sherstan
Membership Committee

Mount Lorne Misadventure - 2006 Results

Mount Lorne Misadventure - 2006

23 July 2006

2006 - Year 3 - Bill's Great Peak - Results

Mount Lorne Misadventure

Mount Lorne MisadventureCome and join us for the Mount Lorne Misadventure Trail Run 23 July 2006 featuring 21km of awesome trails with spectacular views. The run is rough and hilly and can be wet in places. There is a gut busting hill near the beginning and last year we had a fellow playing the bag pipes at the top of it for motivation.

Bill's Great Peak Ascent - Less than a week to go get your Free Beer

Only a few days  to go until the third running of Bill's Great Peak Ascent.  This run is a great opportunity to keep in prime trail-running shape (or to work towards it :-) and is a great fit for those interested in running STORMY (which I'd recommend) in early August.

Post-event get-together is at the Mosquito Creek Grill and, as always, participants are entitled to one beer on the house as well as the usual assortment of door prizes.

Go Deep or Go Home-Primes on the Course!!

After watching the Tour de Gastown I thought the most exciting aspect was the Primes! Don't know what a Prime is-well, they're cash prizes for racers that get to certain stages of a course first.

Well, I'm offering 4 Primes in total-2 mens and 2 womens.  2 in the 20km and 2 in the 40km.

Knackered Knees and the Knee Knacker

Knee Knacker 06 - Cleveland Dam
I finished the Knee Knacker this past week.  My knees were knackered going into it.  They gave also me grief doing it.  My time was a PW (personal worst on the course)... but this is my favorite run and the one run that I look most forward to each year. Given that this is the 14th time I've completed the race, I'm feeling a bit nostalgic and thought I'd share why. 

The Knee Knackering North Shore Trail run was my second ultramarathon run, my first trail run and my first exposure to running in British Columbia.  

Post Knee Knacker Stress Syndrome

Baldwin Lee - 2006 - at the Kneeknacker North Shore Trail Run

2006 North Idaho Kick Ass Run - Results

 North Idaho Kick Ass 2006

Starter Photo - North Idaho Kick Ass - 01 Junly 2006
4 Starters - 4 Finishers

The race kicked off at 6am on time.  We had 4 runners, including myself.  It was a small but hardy group of runners.  We talked and ran and had a good time. 

Instead of 4 aid stations as planned, I used two vehicles to stay near the runners and give aid. We had tons of food for everyone and still have left overs.  Special thanks to my wife and son, Michele and Bradley, who crewed for all of us and did a outstanding job.  Thanks also to Scott Davis who drove our second aid car and did great as a first time aid station worker.

North Idaho Kick Ass 2006
Photo: Bradley Thompson at his fabulous mobile aid station.

Mike Wolfe ran very well and moved to the front early on and stayed out there the whole way.  The rest of us ran together for most of the run.  Dan Probst and our farthest travelled guest, Butch, ran solid.    We had good fun and made some new friends.  Thanks to the club and all the runners who came out to run with us.

New Years Resolutions - Progress Report at the Half-way Point

Where has the time gone? 2006 is now half-over!

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