

This is what a spin-a-ton looks like

Thanks to all supports.  Club Fat Ass team raised about $1,300 out of the $110,000 raised during the entire event.

E/B 2009 news

I will be sending this off to all participants soon so you can proof read this for me...

Elk Beaver letter to all participants.

In an effort to make this year's Elk Beaver Ultras run even more smoothly than in the past and to offer runners the best experience possible, please note the following guidelines:

Spring Bunny Hop 2009. One day to go.

As I sit hear listening to the rain outside, wondering what will it be like tomorrow? I ran the 10k loop of the Hop yesterday and found that there is still lots of snow in sections, mud, and some very large puddles. Overall the course is runable, by tomorrow though, expect to get wet and muddy, but what else would you want from a trail run, isn't there points for getting the dirtiest.  See you at the  Spring Bunny Hop, I be the dirty one.

Jason Just Got His New CFA Shirt

Cyclebetes Spin-a-Thon

Only 4 day to go until Cyclebetes 24 hour spin-a-ton.  

Sunday short run

E/B 2009 news

Just a reminder, online registration will close at Midnight on April 30th.
Does anyone know of a family member, clinic runner, or friend who runs but is still a little intimidated by 26.2 miles of road?
Here is their big chance to get the distance done.
First Timer Marathoner will also be receiving the Addidas jackets, as will all the Ultramarathoners.(The first 50 entrants.)
Volunteers will be generously compensated for their help with all kinds of swag.
I am trying to arrange for a generator for the clock and coffee urn.

Mudrunner loves Cacti!

Club Fat Ass - Travelling Colours Contest 2009 - Mudrunner loves cactiMudrunner and RunRik were the first to get their 2009 Club Colours on a road trip ;-).  Love this one.  

Santa Fe 09 051

Girls On The Run

Take an ordinary guy, get him a little too close to Dean Karnazes and he gets a great idea. Run from home Kirkwood, MO to Arkansas some 300 miles away. Why? To raise money for Girls on the Run.  I thought you folks would be interested in his story. Below are his words

Planning For Kneeknacker 2009

I missed the 20th anniversary of the Kneeknacker last year, but will be back as aidstation captain at Cleveland Dam in July. 

Cleveland Dam is strategically positioned near the half way mark of this 50km trail race.  It a popular spot as it is easy to reach and invites families and spectators alike to hang out in Cleveland Park to cheer the runners on. 

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