
Contests and Challenges

Club Fat Ass contests and member challenges.

Year's Goals

Well one of my years goals was to run Leadville and finish.  I had some ups and downs in my training and running.  As Leadville quickly approached I have to admit I had a couple doubts as to the outcome.  We went to Colorado about 12 days before the race and two days after I arrived I still had trouble breathing and running.  After about 7 days I started to feel "normal" and the running got easier. 

Point Series Updated - Baldwin Lee takes the lead

What a weekend.  We had three events within 24h and some CFA members managed to do a "Double". Baldwin Lee and Geoffrey Palmer bagged  the "Triple", which put Baldwin into a clear lead in the 2006 Point Series.  To check out the standings go to: http://www.clubfatass.com/contests/pointseries/2006

Baldwin's Half-time Report

-Successfully completed American River 50 mile and simultaneously qualified for Western States. (that's next year's contest!)

-Have volunteered or (partially) run at CFA events (Fat Ass 50, Mtn Highway Madness, Vancouver 100, the Enduro, XTC, Run to the Clouds)

-Have yet to run a sub 4:00 marathon (hmmm, entry fees, mortgage payment, entry fees, mortgage payment)

-Have yet to do 60 days of Bikrams, mebbe I'll save it for the fall, when it's a little cooler.

1/2 way report...

So far, having managed to keep pretty much on track with the 10-12 hours a week,three or four sessions a week of 3 hours will do it.(I work split shifts for only 3.5 days a week)

New Years Resolutions - Progress Report at the Half-way Point

Where has the time gone? 2006 is now half-over!

Progress Report - May

Despite worsened asthma symptoms and a long recovery from a cold virus, I have been positive about training and running this month.  Given that I lost all the endurance I had built up earlier in the year, I focused on getting back on track and running shorter distances. 

Quarterly "Checkup"

OK, so it being May 1st I thought I'd do a quarterly update to see how my resolutions are coming along (yes, I realize I'm a month late, but hopefully no one is keeping track).

First off, I have to say that I missed the boat on the snowshoeing trip for early 2006 (there is no longer snow out East (that I"m willing to travel to anyways)) so will have to get my fatass in gear for late in the season. Stay tuned...


(No) Progress Report - April

Not sure where my running training is going this year. At this point it seems to be going no where fast...

March I was lying low because of an recurring Achilles injury. Luckily, the rest and no running regime helped and so far the Achilles tendon is pain free.

February Progress Report - Low Mileage, Good Races

February turned out to be a great month for races, but an average month for mileage. A minor injury, a couple of taper weeks, and a recovery week kept my weekday miles at well under my goal of 50 weeday kms per week. As for the other resolutions, riding to school 3 times/ week has been much easier now that it isn't raining everyday, I am still keeping a log of all my runs and rides, and my eating habits weren't as good as they were in Jan, but are still better than they were last year.

We Have A Winner

You, the judges, have spoken...we now have winners in the 2005 Traveling Colours Contest!

1st - Gary Robbins
of Squamish, BC took top spot with the photo of his exuberant finish at the 50km Knee Knacker North Shore Trail Run last July. Gary will receive a refund on his 2006 membership dues and eternal bragging rights.

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