
Sunshine Coast Trail - Millenium Park Update

After ten years working toward acquiring the lands known as Millennium Park (Willingdon Beach Trail below Highway 101 and south of the Haul Road, as well as McFall Creek Corridor west of the Complex to the Pole Line), City Council has passed a motion at its November 19th Council Meeting enabling this acquisition from PRSC.
It refers to the land, and the land only, as we are still in negotiations with Island Timberlands which owns the trees for a partial harvesting plan that will see a small amount of selective logging above the highway and outside McFall Creek's riparian buffer. The trails along the ravine will be within this riparian zone.
Thank you all for your unflagging support to bring about this wonderful result. Over 2000 of you made donations to acquire the land. Council is planning to have a visual ceremony to celebrate the acquisition with the formal signing occurring then. Date, time and place to be determined in the coming days. Stay tuned.
Thank you again,
Eagle Walz
for the Millennium Park Committee
( Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society - PRPAWS, Powell River Forest Museum Society, Powell River Garden Club, Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 798)