

2010 North Shore Enduro - TAKE TWO!

 My birthday is May 10th. I'm turning 32 tomorrow. Doesn't bother me too much, honestly. I never believed 30's to be very old, but I especially don't since I'm well in to my 30's now! ;-)

My First Full Marathon Shuffle

The Marathon Shuffle on the Sunshine Coast Trail has a long history in our house.  ActionJackson is intimately familiar with it, having attempted to run the trail in its entire length - 180km - in 2003 and again in 2004.  This story has been featured in Shay Wilson and Angus McLellan's documentary, XS-NRG and if you can make the next screening, I can highly recommend it.

So I Started Taking a Performance Enhancing Drug

For a long time I have struggled with injuries and muscular imbalances, as well as cramping during races. Sometimes the cramping has been so extreme - total Charlie Horses that send the muscle popping out of my leg in a huge lump - that I have gone crashing to the ground and then been unable to get up for several minutes. This has been the case in every Knee Knacker I've done, as well as my last two races the Dirty Duo 50K and Marathon Shuffle.

Planning For Kneeknacker 2010

As in years past, I will again be the captain for the Cleveland Dam aidstation during the Kneeknacker race, 10 July 2010.

Cleveland Dam is strategically positioned near the half way mark of this 50km trail race.  It a popular spot as it is easy to reach and invites families and spectators alike to hang out in Cleveland Park to cheer the runners on. 

Pitt River Hot Springs on foot?

Anyone want to attempt the Pitt River Hot Springs next Friday (May 7th)?

I want to try an untried route near Pinecone lake.  There are a few possible options including following the creek in the valley (I think about 4 km bushwhack from the lake to logging roads on the other side, approx. 10 km total) or a ridge above it which may be easier going (check out Seed Peak or Pinecone Lake hike in 101 hikes or pictures of those hikes on Club Tread - although we would start from a differrent point and take a different trail the area looks worhtwhile to check out anyway). 

"Fluffy Bunny" May 1st

Come run the Fluffy Bunny! Courses have been changed with the exception of around the lake.  9.5km, 14km, and 27km options at Buntzen Lake in Port Moody. Hope to see you there! I will be leading the 14km. Your event host, Jess Dagg

Transportation across the border for the Chuckanut Calf Cramper...

Hey Ya'll,

Katie and I have been discussing options for getting people across the border without hassles on the weekend of the 21st, 22nd. A couple of options are to walk on the Ferry to Anacortes or bike/walk across the border at Blaine. My boyfriend, Brent, and I will be available to pick people up. Please go to the Calf Cramper website to join the discussion and we'll get some plans solidified by the middle of May. Also, plenty of room for people to stay at my house Friday night.


Jackson's Athletic Turning Points - Tales from the Crypt

When I think of personal athletic turning points, one jumps to the top of the list.   I am one of the few people you might know who has run themselves to death... and lived to tell the tale.

Friends and fellow runners, I don't recommend you follow my example of being a dumb-ass about how you approach your races.  This is a true story, however, and I share it to the best of my recollection.

Athletic Turning Points - The Challenge

WRT a recent review of a running book (Born to Run), I belong to a book club.  For the upcoming book club meeting, each member of the club is supposed to write a little story about a "turning point" in their lives. 

XS-NRG screening Saturday 2 pm matinee, Marathon Shuffle Sunday

Please consider making time for a unique experience, a 2:00 pm matinee at the Patricia Theatre next Saturday, April 24 for the World Premiere of the extreme-adventure documentary XS-NRG (pronounce Excess Energy), starring remote sections of breathtaking Powell River backcountry via the Sunshine Coast Trail - as well as four lads from the lower mainland. 

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