Anyone want to attempt the Pitt River Hot Springs next Friday (May 7th)?
I want to try an untried route near Pinecone lake. There are a few possible options including following the creek in the valley (I think about 4 km bushwhack from the lake to logging roads on the other side, approx. 10 km total) or a ridge above it which may be easier going (check out Seed Peak or Pinecone Lake hike in 101 hikes or pictures of those hikes on Club Tread - although we would start from a differrent point and take a different trail the area looks worhtwhile to check out anyway).
Apparently the water levels were good approx 2 weeks ago. Otherwise it may be too low until fall.
Even if we don't make it we'll know how long it takes and which way to go and can try again in the fall.
We'll have to get an early start and bring headlamps but I don't think it is unreasonable to think it could be done in a day if we run the logging roads at a decent clip.
If anyone is intereste in trying this, I didn't get any takers for the 7th, but Mirabelle wants to go so we will be rescheduling at some point before water levels get too low.
Post your interest and we'll try to schedule a day that works for those who are.