

Bag-rific! DePencier Bluffs...

Joining the bagger challenge from Missouri ain't easy. And truth be told, I'm not a big fan of sketchy scrambles up deadly mountain sides. It's just not my BAG. However, Sunshine In September went swimingly well and I was faced with plenty of time to get something fun done while the sun was still up. But what to do? Jackson came up with a GREAT idea - let's go bag DePencier Bluff - the newest peak added to the Club Fat Ass Bagger Challenge!

Sunshine in September 2010 - Run, Ran, RUN!

For those of us NOT from BC or another coastal area, ferry rides are a rarity. I really didn't know what to expect in terms of what this "boat" would look like. It was a pleasant surprise because BC ferries are PLUSH! First of all, the things are HUGE and can hold more than 100 cars - WOW!

DePencier Bluffs

The newest bagging peak, de Pencier Bluffs, is a very pleasant adventure for the younger bagger or a bagging trail runner alike.  It makes for a very agreeable post-work bag, ideally on a sunny day. The eastern side of Seymour, with lakes, tarns, bluffs, and blueberries, and a rabbits warren of runnable trails, is not often explored but well worth it.

Duel at the Pool 2010

There was a time when, as a competitive triathlete, I did a fair bit of swimming.  I wasn't a great swimmer, but give me a wetsuit and I could swim up to 13 kilometers.  I was able to do this because I lived next door to one of the most awesome pools in the world:  Kitsilano Pool, just outside of downtown Vancouver.

Bagging a peak in my neck of the woods

I know the Bagger Challenge is exclusively a Vancouver exploit and I know that I would never be one to win the Bagger Challenge, but who is to say I can't bag my own peak.

Frosty Mountain training run Sept. 4th 2010

The last training run in Manning Park turned out to be even more popular then the first one. A total of 25 people and six dogs showed up.
As most of the runners did the first loop, some checked out the 13 km loop.
As usual the weather was pretty favorable and all the runners made it out alive. A few minor scratches and bruises ( easy for me to say) as you can see on the photos.

First time up on Goat

Howe Sound Crest Trail: on the Glorious Fifth (of September)

As a multi-day heavy-pack hike, HSCT is a nasty multi-hump-backed monster.

As a peak bagging adventure artery, it is essential.

As a trail run, it is spectacular. There are few finer trial-running stretches than the single-track swoosh down from Hat Pass to Deeks Lake, past azure lakes, waterfalls, giant trees, and glorious peaks.

Flatlander's 6hr & 12hr race with St. Louis Ultrarunner's Group - Fenton, MO

Twelve hours is a long time to be running. Last year I tried this race in the 6hr format. I managed 40+ miles in 2009. This year, I wanted to "go big". Problem is, I've been racing too much lately, and I'm only 1 month off of a 100 miler at STORMY. I knew going in to Flatlanders this year that it probably wasn't going to be "my day". Not getting injured became my goal for this one.

Frosty Training run report Manning Park second loop

Good turnout for the run,Thanks everone for showing up. Everyone made it out alive without to much problem.

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