

Hood To Coast 2010 - The STL Coasters!

Frosty Mountain training run #2 report

18 km of beautiful North Shore trails, nice sunny day,not to hot, not to cold. What more can you ask for. Perhaps a few more runners, I noticed some of the dogs were missing. I hope Benny didn't scare them off.

Just a reminder next week we will be in Manning Park running the second loop.

Some photos in the link below


If you like it tell your friends if you don't tell me!



Tourist Bag

While I don't like running alone, I do cherish the peace of the trails...something that cannot be found on the Grouse Grind.  No peace on the GG.  How is it that on adjacent trails, i.e. St Georges, Per Gynt etc you usually don't see a soul, yet there are hundreds of sweaty bodies crawling, huffing, puffing and running up the GG... 

Needles and Lynn Peak Bagging Video

Why Run 100s?

"What in God's name would motivate anyone to even think about running 100-miles," a work colleague asked late Friday when I shared my weekend plans with her.

Frosty Mountain Training Run Report

The first training run for Frosty Mountain Trail race took place last Saturday August 14th.  There were a total of 13 runners including 3 dogs.  The run took place on the Baden Powell, Dream Weaver, Executioner, Mountain Highway and Pipeline Trails.  The run was approximately 15 km.  The runners split up into three pace groups and as usual I thought I belonged in the middle of the pack, but I think I have to reclassify myself into the end of the pack unless some slower people show up :).  The day started out at a nice temperature but he

Why Bag?

On foggy, rainy days I often wonder why I bag. On snowy slopes when I look down and see what a mistake could bring, I wonder, why do I bag? When I'm tired or hungry or busy or stressed, it always feels better to have bagged, but it's not always evident why. Today, however, was a perfect bagging days which answered all of those lingering "whys".

Hmmm, it's nearing Sunshine in September...

... and I have yet to be able to run the course without getting lost. Oh well, I'm convinced that a) You are all better at following course descriptions than I am and b) you'll all find your way back. I have each time...

Event pages have been updated for 2010 Sunshine in September. The course description will be further updated over the coming weeks (once I figure out my chicken scratches written out when I was thoroughly the lost last time I tried the course. The sweat and tears of frustration made the ink run a little bit...)

STORMY 100 Race Report - The 10th Anniversary!

“What are you, a meteorologist????” It began with rain...

Bagging Mount Strachan

The stars lined up to see my friend Pat, my 12 year old son and 14 year old second cousin visiting from Germany ready for an assault on Mount Strachan and Hollyburn this past Thursday.

The forecast was for possible thunder showers in the afternoon and the morning dawned hot, humid and ominously dark.  A quick check of my email showed that Pat didn't cancel or question the weather.

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