

Reviews of gear, books and services.

What's Growing In Your Hydration System?

I dug out my hydration pack today to get packed up for the Squamish Scrambler tomorrow.  To my disgust I found the thing was overgrown with specks of mold....Yuck.

I have been taking great care to dry out the bladder, tube and mouth piece after each use... but after Mike and Melissa's run in November I was so bushed that I must have just dumped the water and lovely Action Jackson packed the thing away.   It's been rotting quietly in the basement storage ever since. 

Extreme Weather Running

What's underneath YOUR snowsuit

A Tight Dilemma

Don't you love running during the balmy days of spring, summer or even those crisp, sunny days of fall? 

Unfortunately, it's monsoon season on the wet coast.  It's also getting cold.  With a heavy heart, I have tucked my shorts into the back of the closet.  Problem is, I don't like running in tights.  I don't like the restrictive feeling and the heaviness when they get wet. 

A Ticket to Injury-free Running?

My calf muscle first went "boing!" on a 30-minute run around the neighborhood before dinner one Saturday evening in late January.  There was no "pop", just what seemed like a low level cramp in the muscle between my heel and my calf.  (I think the technical name is soleus muscle.)  I ran through it, but it got worse, so I hobbled home.  No pain the next day, but I figured it would be good to give it some rest. 

Club Fat Ass Wear - A Sneak Preview

Excitement is in the air. I got my hands on the first mock-up ClubFatAssWear shirts. Vanessa has been busily designing the pattern, running the fabric and mock shirts through the oven at the screener, calculating shrinkage and driving patterns and fabric to and fro.

Action Jackson's Fashion Review - Running Gloves

2007-03-12 Orange Gloves 010 Race gear and draw prizes can be very distinctive.  The lions share of my wardrobe came from a race packet.  My fashion-conscious Mom might argue that this is not a good thing, but that doesn't bother me because I am a fashion trend-setter rather than a follower. 

Introducing Action Jackson's Fashion Review - Nature vs Nurture

Jackson and fashion.  I've been informed that this is a classic oxymoron

I was raised in a household where Mom encouraged us to dress well and to always look our best.  My Mom has been in the fashion business all of her life, so my brothers, sister and me always got good quality, fashionable gear for birthdays and Christmas.  (We still do!)  Fashion played a strong influence in how I was nurtured.

Action Jackson's Fashion Review - Nathan Hydration Pack

2007-03-04 Ean testing Gear (01) 2007-03-04 Ean testing Gear (04)»

2006 Club Point Series Winners Announced

Baldwin Lee at the American River 50 Finish
With 2006 wrapped up, all event, crew, hosting, bonus and referral points determined, the second annual Club Fat Ass Point Series is now completed.  The winners were announced at the post Event party of the Vancouver New Years Day Fat Ass 50.

Bill D

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