Jackson and fashion. I've been informed that this is a classic oxymoron.
I was raised in a household where Mom encouraged us to dress well and to always look our best. My Mom has been in the fashion business all of her life, so my brothers, sister and me always got good quality, fashionable gear for birthdays and Christmas. (We still do!) Fashion played a strong influence in how I was nurtured.
If truth be told, I must have been hard-wired wrong. I have no sense of color or how to coordinate checkers, stripes, solids or pastels. If I had my 'druthers, I'd wear the same jeans and old race t-shirt every day. I've been told by more than one person that I don't possess one iota of fashion sense. This point was driven home the other day when a buddy and I compared ski gear and noted a lot of purple and fluoresent accents... colors I subsequently learned went out of style roughly a decade before the turn of the century. Fashion it would seem, is not in my nature.
The nature/nurture debate has been going on for some time. I'm not that informed, but it seems natural to me that nurture should play the stronger role for something behavioral like fashion. If that's the case, society may have played a trick on me. I may well be a fashion trend setter rather than a hopelessly lost lamb.
To that end, I am introducing this gear review to Club Fat Ass. In it, I propose to share my athletic wardrobe with anyone who cares. I encourage you to comment about my gear and also to share reviews about your gear. Maybe we can learn from each other and have some fun with this!
Orange Gardening Gloves