WHAT: See how many North Shore peaks you can run up and bag in a summer. All but the island mountains qualify as munros (in excess of 3000 feet) under the Scottish peak-bagging system.
DATE: Between July 1 and October 22, 2009.
WHERE: non-technical or less-technical (Class 3 or easier) North Shore mountains (listed below). Although I can't list them all, I'll record peaks in Fraser Valley, and Squamish to Whistler peaks (although if push comes to shove, and there is a tie, the listed peaks will be counted). Official totals below are in brackets.
RESOURCES: For routes, etc. it is recommended to visit Bivouac.com or clubtread.com.
RESULTS: Email me your mountainous conquests, with the dates, and I will post ongoing standings. As I’m lazy, wait until you have three or four bagged before sending them in.
PHOTOS: Photos posted so far: http://www.flickr.com/search/show/?q=baggerchallenge2009
Please post your photos, too, via the CFA Flickr site: http://www.clubfatass.com/photogalleries (instructions here: www.clubfatass.com/help/image It's easy!). Please tag your photos: ClubFatAss ClubFatAssEvents BaggerChallenge2009 (space separating each tag on the flickr template)
In the case of a tie for first place:
1. non-core peaks (i.e. those not on the North Shore and not listed) will not be counted;
2. if still a tie, the bagger with the most photos posted on the CFA Flickr website will win;
3. if still a tie, the bagger with the most unique bags (i.e. peaks that no one else visited) will win;
4. if still a tie, the bagger with the most obscure/difficult bags (at the completely arbitrary discretion of the host) will win.
NO SANDBAGGING: all claims to bagging a peak must be submitted as promptly as possible (in most cases, within 3 days) of the actually climb (perhaps more if you have to stay overnight), and climbs of more than two weeks old will be stale-dated. Amnesty for submitting late peaks: October 4th
PRIZE: The winner will be the proud bearer of the CFA Bagger Quaich cup for the year: the appropriate cup from which to drink a winter whisky and contemplate how awesome you are.
There will be an auxiliary prize for the person who draws the most other people into the cult of peak-bagging.
BAGGERS' BANQUET: To cap off the bagging season, we will be hosting a barbeque for all bagger participants and their significant others. Bagger burgers (meaty and veggy) will be served. The Bagger Quaich will be awarded (unless the host wins, in which case there will be awkward silence on this topic).
Date: Friday, October 23rd. From 6pm.
Place: 1368 West 21st Street (near Capilano Elementary School, in Pemberton Heights).
RSVP jeldac "at" shaw "dot" ca
Entry: There is no fee and you don't need to be a member of Club Fat Ass to participate in a Flash event, however whining is not allowed. That being said, many of the peaks listed should only be attempted by those with the experience and fitness level of a typical Club Fat Ass member (i.e. ample mountain running experience over long distances).
No registration is required but please send your report of bagged peaks (wait until you have 3) to David (as a member you can click on David's user name and message him; if you are not a member please use the comment function below).
Important safety considerations: All of these adventures are potentially dangerous.
Mountains marked with a ** are scramble ascents or otherwise exposed or otherwise remote and undeveloped and should only be attempted by experienced climbers wearing helmets, etc. Don't try these routes in anything but perfect weather.
Use great caution when rocks are wet -- slipping is the cause of most accidents on North Shore mountains.
Always run/hike with a buddy.
You are responsible for your own well being and safety and should be self sufficient.
Here are two useful lists of "MUST HAVE" survival items that all participants should carry:
Release of All Claims. By participating in this event you agree to be wholly responsible for your own well-being and agree not to sue anyone associated with this event or Club Fat Ass or any person in relation to this activity. By participating in this event you agree to the terms of the Release of All Claims.
QUALIFYING MOUNTAINS (ranges from west to east)
Howe Sound Islands
- Mt. Liddell (Gambier Island) (904m) (LID)
- Mt. Killam (Gambier Island) (844m) (KIL)
- Mt. Artaban (Gambier Island) (615m) (ART)
- Mt. Gardner (Bowen Island) (727m) (GAR)
- Leading Peak (Anvil Island) (765m) (LEA)
Lions/Howe Sound Crest Trail Area (&&& = new route HSCT passes right over these peaks: old route drops down east towards Hanging & Enchanted Lakes, bypassing James Peak) maps.google.ca/maps/ms
- St. Mark’s Mountain (1355m) (MAR) &&&
- Unnecessary Mountain (1548 m) (UNN) &&&
- West Lion (1654m) ** (LIO)
- James Peak (1466m) (JAS) &&&
- David Peak (1480m) (DAV) &&&
- Mount Harvey (1652m) (HAR)
- Brunswick Mountain (1788m) (BRU)
- Hat Mountain (1644 m) (HAT)
- Wettin Peak (1538m) ** (WET)
- Mount Hanover (1748 m) ** (HAN)
- Mount Windsor (1689 m) (WIN)
- Deeks Peak (1672 m) (DEE)
- Gotha Peak (1641m) ** (GOT)
- Capilano Mountain (1685 m) (CAP)
Cypress Group
- Black Mountain (1217m) (BLA)
- Hollyburn Mountain (1325m) (HOL)
- Mount Strachan (1454m) (STR)
Grouse Area
- Mount Fromme (1185m) (FRO)
- Grouse Mountain (1231m) (GRO)
- Dam Mountain (1349m) (DAM)
- Goat Mountain (1401m) (GOA)
- Little Goat Mountain (1323m) (LIL)
- Crown Mountain (1504m) (CRO)
- West Crown / Sleeping Beauty Mountain (1400m) (WCR)
Lynn/Cathedral Range
- Lynn Peak (1015m) (LYN)
- The Needles (1258m) ** (NEE) (nb South Needle at 1163m qualifies for a bag -- see below)
- Coliseum Mountain (1441m) (COL)
- Mount Burwell (1541m) (BUR)
- Cathedral Mountain (1737m) ** (CAT)
Fannin Range
- Mount Seymour (1449m) (SEY)
- Runner Peak (1370 m) ** (RUN)
- Mount Elsay (1419m) (ELS)
- Rector Peak (1270m) ** (REC)
- Curate Peak (1266m) ** (CUR)
- Vicar Peak (1247m) ** (VIC)
- Mount Bishop (1509m) ** (BIS)
- Deacon Peak (1495m) ** (DEA)
- Presbyter Peak (1487m) ** (PRE)
- Mount Dickens (1288m) ** (DIC)
FINAL STANDINGS (October 22nd) [of 44 peaks in total] [Peaks and totals in square brackets = total 2009 bags from official list (including those outside Baggers Challenge time period]
David Crerar: 41(40) [44/44] : ART, BLA, SEY, BRU, HAR, LIO, UNN, MAR, HOL, STR, GRO, DAM, LIL, CRO, WCR, GOA, FRO, LYN, NEE, COL, CAP, GAR, RUN, ELS, REC, CUR, VIC, BIS, DEA, PRE, DIC, HAT, JAS, DAV, GOT, WIN, DEE, LEA, HAN, WET, [BUR, CAT, KIL, LID], Middle Needle, Fat Ass Peak
Neil Ambrose: 20(18): BLA, COL, BUR, GRO, FRO, DAM, CRO, LIL, GOA, HOL, STR, GAR, LYN, SEY, ELS, MAR, UNN, NEE, Golden Ears, Fat Ass Peak
Carolyn King: 16(13): GRO, HOL, STR, BLA, GAR, LYN, SEY, ELS, MAR, DAM, GOA, LIL, NEE, Golden Ears, Burnaby Mountain, Fat Ass Peak
Wendy Montgomery: 14(13): DAM, LIL, CRO, WCR, STR, LYN, FRO, GRO, ART, BLA, NEE, MAR, UNN, Fat Ass Peak
Mike Wardas: 11: SEY, LYN, COL, BUR, GRO, DAM, LIL, CRO, GOA, FRO, DEA
Ryan Conroy: 11(8): BLA, DAM, LIL, CRO, COL, LYN, NEE, COL, Gate, Middle Needle, North Needle
Paul Cubbon: 8(7): BLA, STR, GRO, DAM, GOA, HAT, DEE, Fat Ass Peak
Monty Watts: 7: BLA, LYN, HOL, GRO, SEY, BRU, HAR
James Clarke: 6: GRO, CRO, ELS, DAM, COL, BUR
Harry Crerar: 5: SEY, ART, GAR, STR, DAM
Rick Arikado: 5: BLA, GRO, LYN, SEY, RUN
Jason Oliver: 5(4): MAR, UNN, LIO, GRO, Golden Ears
Pippa Crerar: 4: SEY, ART, STR, DAM
Heather Urquhart: 4: MAR, UNN, LYN, NEE
Meggan Oliver: 4(3): MAR, UNN, LIO, Golden Ears
Janice Vallis: 4(3): BLA, GRO, SEY, Burnaby Mountain
Sibylle Tinsel: 3: STR, LYN, BLA
Kirsten Ramage: 3: BLA, GRO, LIL
Curb Ivanic: 3: BLA, HOL, STR
EJPowderhound Jackson: 3(2): STR, LYN, Fat Ass Peak
Glenn Dorey: 2: ART, LEA
Doug Keir: 2: LYN, GRO
Kathryn Webb: 2: LYN, GRO
Simon Cowell: 2: BRU, BLA
Donald Golob: 2: HOL, STR
Jojocheesepig Jackson: 2(1): STR, Fat Ass Peak
Rob McDonald: 1: DEA
Olav Brusletto: 1: NEE
Jill Warland: 1: BLA
Marilyn Tschirhart: 1: GAR
Ron Tschirhart: 1: GAR
Peter Rietveld: 1: GAR
How to disappear completely
Kids: don't do Coliseum/Burwell/Cathedral unless the weather is a sure thing.
It was so bad, what with the 10m visibility, hail, wind, thunder, lightning, and torrential rain, that we gave even Burwell a miss after summitting Coliseum.
Neither Conroy nor I have great reputations for knowing when to pull the plug on an adventure, but we gladly and proudly did so today.
Sounds like fun
It was dry and sunny in Kamloops. Ha ha ha.
I'm beginning to wonder is Ryan isn't cursed.
I was hoping to see you from my lofty pearch...
Glad to see I wasn't the only idiot out there today.
On a good day we could have
On a good day we could have waved to each other. Not today.
Lots of good blueberries -- but they were hard to pick, with my hands in semi-frostbite.
I'll pull the plug on my Indian Arm Trail bagger sweep tomorrow unless the weather is 75% guaranteed (lookin' unlikely)
A soggy South Needle
My intentions were good....get up early for a 7:30am start. But the heavy rainfall turned me back into the house & into bed before I got to the garage. No way I as going to do an unfamiliar route in these conditions! Back to my warm bed. 45 minutes of fitful twisting & turning & I was back in my running gear & out the door.
I was going for the Needles via the Hydraulic Creek route using Jurgen-esque tactics. Never been on it & I was up for an adventure. I rode my bike up the Seymour Demo road to the bridge at Hydraulic Creek (just beyond 5km). At that point, I switched to trail runers & clambered through the bush to stash my bike (it turns out I never saw a soul & could just as well left my bike on the trail against a tree).
The trail goes up...steeply. I found a tree that sported a Ziplock full of trail descriptions (Thanks!) & grabbed one. The ribbons are plenty & many of them are marked with comments ("Either way", "3 Hours to S. Needle", "Hydraulic Flats", etc...). Just when you think the steep is over, it gets steeper. Eventually, I made it to Lynn Ridge & found another Ziplock loaded with elevation profiles. At that point, the ribbon indicated 45 minutes to the South Needle. The wind had picked up & the rain was coming down, so I put on my gloves, hat, gore-tex jacket, & cinched up the hood for good measure. I skirted a minor peak & eventually wound my way up to the very tip of the South Needle via some small rock bands. The rain made the going a bit slick, but it was straightforward. I got to the peak, added a rock to the top of the summit cairn & quickly snapped a couple of photos with my cell phone. At this point the rain was coming sideways, & the wind was gusting at about 65-70km/h. The view was non-existant...too bad really...a beautiful oblivion. I was tempted to toss a rock into the void to hear how far a drop might be in store, but thought better of that idea lest a Crerar or Conroy type be lurking below. I tried to locate the Middle Needle, but the low cloud obscured everything. My legs were numb from the blowing cold & the rain, so I was just as happy to head back to the valley.
Crerar described the descent as steep but runnable "slalom-esque". It was a blast...but due to the added element of rainfall, it was more of a controlled skid all the way down. The loamy trail reduced the impact of the bigger drops, but a couple of times I post-holed through the soil...watch it!
I made it back to my bike, switched shoes & rode out along the rode...this was the worst part of the whole trip....without fenders & already soaked to the bone, it was a miserable ride back.
That said, beers & a hot shower never felt sooooo good!!
Lynn Peak and South and Middle Needles
A glorious day to celebrate living in North Vancouver.
I have little to add to Ryan Conroy's excellent description of his (INSANE) traverse of Lynn and the three Needle Peaks (see http://www.clubfatass.com/blog/ryan-conroy/first-bagger-rights-complete-traverse-needles-lynn-ridge-lynn-peak-coliseum-mountain). I thoroughly endorse Ryan's recommendation that you make it a more modest loop along often runnable single track: up Lynn, to South Needle, and then back down via the Seymour Valley Trailway.
LYNN HEADWATERS TO LYNN PEAK (992m): The hike to Lynn Peak is a tough 2.9K, with some decent trail running towards the top. The true summit is actually surrounded by trees, about 300 metres north and up from the viewpoint where everyone stops. Apparently at this viewpoint used to be docked the blimp used to log Lynn Peak up to the 1970s.
LYNN PEAK TO SOUTH NEEDLE (1165m): a superb new trail has been put in by North Shore Rescue and others, running west from Lynn Peak to the South Needle. It is darned tough (four significant ups-and-downs) but incredibly well flagged, with excellent but discrete pruning and foot-notching on fallen logs. Exhausting but largely runnable or power-hikeable. Glorious and unique views of Crown to the west, Coliseum, Burwell and Cathedral to the north, and Seymour and the Fannin Range to the east.
SOUTH NEEDLE TO MIDDLE NEEDLE (1258m): a significant contrast to the above. You will see the occasional downed flag on the ground, but there is no marking, or, for that matter, no trail to speak of. Happily, the route is relatively clear.
The descent to the col between the South and Middle Needles is not at all obvious from the South Needle. Basically head straight north (not east, as some internet reports state). Although it looks steep, it is less steep than the sheer drops to the west and east. It is essentially a slow descent along a series of ledges -- hold tight to the scraggly pines and blueberry bushes and gingerly lower yourself down ledge-by-ledge. It is mossy and slippery and you could do yourself harm without care. The terrain changers to a mere slope, and then you bushwhack down through blueberry bushes to the base of the col.
Then the climb up Middle Needle. As Ryan observes, one hits a rocky bluff pretty soon. A careful choice of hand-holds and branches makes the ascent not so bad. Some more bushwhacking up through blueberry bushes to the false summit, and then across a short ridge to the true summit of the Needles mountain formation.
The major redeeming feature of this area is the plentiful and massive blueberries: wild berries the size of domesticated blueberries, growing in clusters of three: the bushes actually sag with the weight of the fruit.
MIDDLE NEEDLE BACK TO SOUTH NEEDLE BACK TO HYDRAULIC CREEK TRAIL: The return to South from Middle Needle is the same nastiness, in reverse.
About 20 minutes' descent back south from South Needle, you return to a well-marked intersection with a steep and spongy trail bombing down to the Seymour Valley Trailway in the Seymour demonstration Forest. It is also wonderfully well-flagged and groomed, at the same hands (North Shore Rescue et al.) that created the Lynn-South Needle Trail. It is a long and beautiful descent, taking one past old-growth giants and a gentle series of burbling cascades. If you have hardy legs the descent will take 20-30 minutes, leading you to the Hydraulic Creek Bridge on the Trailway (about 5.5K from the site of the former gazebo). Despite its steepness, the Hydraulic Creek Trail is very runnable, in a slalomesque way.
As I emerged from the forest, as the twilight descended, I heard a 'whoosh' overhead as a large Barred Owl swooped overhead. A perfect moment.
BAGGER CHALLENGE NOTES: although the Middle Needle is the true summit of the Needles mountain, it lacks a trail and is a little nastier than I want this contest to get. Therefore to bag NEE, I propose that the (shorter) peak of South Needle will count (although bravo to purists/masochists who ascend the Middle Needle summit). As Ryan and I are the only two idiots so far to climb the true Needle Summit, I don't think that anyone will be put out by this magnanimity to other Baggers.
You are gonna be crappin' blue for weeks!!
...what with all that blueberry consumption!
Thanks for the 411...sounds like an adventurous route.
Piton Peak Duathlon
This started out as a recon mission to identify this trail which is about 9.5 km from the Gazebo at LSCR. I'd like to conquer Cathedral one day but not via Lynn Headwaters so I can save some time. I've heard someone doing this and bagging Coliseum, Burwell and Catherdal and back in 12.5 hrs, starting and finishing from the LSCR gate.
I ended up summiting Piton Peak which is a lower shoulder of Coliseum. Don't know if this qualifies as a Bagger Challenge mountain but it summits at 1057 m according to my GPS. Show Piton Peak some love. I started biking from my place near Kirkstone and Mtn Hwy at 5:15 pm this evening. Ditched the Kona Dr. Dew 100 m into the trail and transitioned into my TNF trail runners and climbed Piton Peak. This trail is fairly steep...duh...it's the North Shore and summited at 7:10 pm. Took a few pictures with the cell phone and quickly ran down (when possible) because I new I only had about another 30 minutes of light. I got back to the bike, setup my helmetlamp and hammered home by 8:20. I almost bonked once I got into the house and the adrenaline wore off. Note: there is a left fork that heads to Coliseum about 10 minutes from the summit of Piton. These trails are well marked with taping.
Summit Pics
A little over due but never too late. Here's a look south from the peak.
Here's a look North to Cathedral.
Thanks for the recon!
Ambose, Jackson & I did the Coliseum/Burwell connection last week & considered returning via the Seymour Valley route...only the thought of running 9.5km on the road thwarted us.
We did notice the trail intersection & the flagging was quite obvious from the top of the ridge only after a few feet of questionable trail. Sounds like one could save quite a bit of time.
hmmmm...not to be a wet
hmmmm...not to be a wet blanket, but what's its prominence? Looking at the map, it doesn't descend much before ascending Coliseum. Bivouac.com, which is serving as a bit of a measuring stick for the baggable peaks, lists Paton Point as a viewpoint, not a peak. Thoughts?
Cool maps, btw: what GPS/software combo are you using?
I agree
Piton Peak is not really a mountain so it's not worthy but it is worth checking out. Great place for a picnic and great views from there of the surrounding peaks.
I have a Garmin Forerunner 305 that is a couple of years old. I import the courses into the old Garmin Training Center software. I export a .crs file from it and upload into www.gpsvisualizer.com to create a Google Earth .kmz file. I like checking out my runs in Google Earth to see the actual terrain covered. In Google Earth I can save the route as a place and also save an image.
I'm going to try that out. Those maps are way-cool.
Monsoon Haiku
Argh! Monsoon season time
cold rain means Jackson no train
Bagger quaich slips from grasp
What's a haiku?
What? The rains are here! The
What? The rains are here!
The mountains are still calling
Bagger must go on
Craig: You must've bagged
You must've bagged some more peaks by now? C'mon! My kids are beating you....!
you'd think so but ...
I prefer the valleys. I find there's much less climbing involved.
I found one!
hey bro, today I bagged Mt. FRO.
You're right, I couldn't let the season go by without at least one memorable bagging. After living in Lynn Valley almost my entire life, I ventured up Mt. Fromme for the first time. And I did it in style on a series of trails I had never or nearly never been on.
UP: from my home near Lynn Valley Centre, 29th Street, Power Line Trail, Lower Oilcan, Oilcan, Pyr Gynt, Olde Grouse Mtn. Road to the quarry, then Bill's Trail to the peak.
DOWN: Bill's Trail, Pyr Gynt, Olde Grouse Mtn. Road, Seventh Secret, Crinkum Crankum, back on the gravel road for a bit until just past the Van Tan Club and down a last trail of which I saw no name, then down Mountain Highway and back to home.
Plus, I met a nice woman with her dog India on the way up and she helped guide me to Oilcan properly. And, at the quarry, I found 3 motor cross bikers and we chatted briefly. As I was about to turn tail for the sloppy dirt climb behind me, one of them commented something about me being 'crazy'. Of course I wasn't offended but are there extra points for that?
I was pleased to find Bill's Trail quite runnable up to the top but did submit myself to clouds and cooler temps the closer I got. I knew I was at the top because I could hear someone on the PA system at Grouse Mountain and a cheering crowd having some fun. Not to mention that I felt as though if I took one more step it was off into oblivion for me. As I turned back it started to rain and I was tempted to put on my long sleeve shirt but stuck it out with a rip roaring pace down the rooty trail to boost my body warmth.
As I landed back at Olde Grouse Mtn Rd. I came across a gaggle of trail runners heading up, some familiar faces, and they said they're getting ready for a R2R2R soon and were thankful for the good help found on the CFA website. I asked if they had been including long drives in their training schedule but apparently they are flying down to Vegas firstly.
My last shot at the trails took me down a favourite, Seventh Secret and then onto Crinkum Crankum that I would say is not nearly as runnable but still fun. Thankfully I was out to get my money's worth so was not in a hurry as usual. And by the time I got out of the woods there was plenty of blue sky and the rain clouds were all behind me. I ate blackberries, blueberries, and pretty sure some blue huckleberries.
Maybe this climbing thing is pretty good after all.
Welcome to the cult, Craig!
I'd recommend Lynn-South Needle or Goat next: good views of Fromme.
Another bagging hazard
A warning to all mountain baggers to be especially cautious on the trails for seals: http://www.theprovince.com/news/Seal+drags+five+year+girl+into+water+Wes...
Ambrose Plays Hookey and Bags the Cirque de Grouse!
I had been communicating with Glenn Pace as to the possibility of joining forces later in the day and summitting Fromme with he and David. Later in the day really didn't work for me so with good intentions I headed to Grouse to try and start at 9am. Playing hookey, I discovered was not going to be easy and I spent too much time on my cell phone outside the chalet before finally heading trail bound at 10.45am. I bagged Dam and Little Goat on the way to Crown (Bear sighting on Dam!). Heading down to Crown Pass was dodgy to say the least.....the rocks were slick and my concentration was only broken by the thought of all the altitude I was loosing! However, I was on top of Crown by 12.15 ish. Pretty exposed up there, as they say, which certainly tightens the lug nuts....if you know what I mean! Then, I headed down to find this spoken of trail to West Crown. That was easy enough but the going wasn't and I really didn't feel that comfortable being in there trail finding and bushwacking blueberry bushes with the bear on Dam still fresh in my thoughts. So I let judgement prevail and turned around at the Col and headed back. The return seemed to go quickly and I had thoughts of bagging some more and making a great day of it! I took the detour to Goat, stopped briefly to chat with some tourisimos and headed down. As I approached Grouse, I heard running footsteps from behind.....it was Gary Robbins and Roxy coming out of the Hanes Valley! We had a fine chat and I congratulated he and Tamsin for their stellar Trans Rockies performance. Then it was off to the top of Grouse and before you ask, yes I did climb it! I went up via the zip trek towers....not sure if you are supposed to but it brought me to where I needed to be! At this point, I looked at my watch and thought.....mmmmmmm.......perhaps Fromme!? Over the edge and down to the road. Lost some good time here as I really had no idea where the trail was. However, found a trail that took me up through thick forest. Not much to see but it was in the bag and I had completed 6 peaks for a very satisfying Cirque de Grouse!
My thanks to Jackson for teaching me how to play hookey in the middle of the work week. (don't tell!) I didn't see any of David's chickens on Fromme but I did see lots of Grouse and Partridge.
So David, that is GRO, FRO, DAM, CRO, LIL and GOA to add to the tally!
Cheers from the couch,
Holy Hell!!!
Nice work....it looks like 7 in a day is a possibility. Unless you're Jackson.
Watch it...
Sandbagging dog!
Hold on tight, Ambrose is in
Hold on tight, Ambrose is in the house! Well done. We'd all better watch our backs.
PS chicken of the woods risotto = priceless.
Fromme here to eternity
Pace and Crerar stormed Mt. Fromme in a spectacular and surprisingly tough post-work run from Grouse Skyride to Thunderbird Ridge; down to Thasher Creek; and up the two peaks of Mt. Fromme. Clear skies. Unique views of the vista from Crown to Garibaldi to Cathedral to Golden Ears. The route from Grouse to Fromme takes you to a little-visited land of the lost, a world of mist, huge trees, boulder fields, and some nifty technical single-track.
And we lived off the fat of the land: teeming bushes of the best-tasting black huckleberries and mountain blueberries you will encounter. Flocks and flocks of chickens of the woods and lemon boletes: I will spend like a pauper and eat like a king tonight. Got us contemplating a new Fat Ass event for next summer: The Hunter & Gatherer 50K, with a mountain run followed by a runner-gathered feast of grouse and venison roasted in a blueberry demi-glace and served with wild mushroom risotto (I hope that neither Repta brother is reading this).
The descent to the Baden Powell Trail, via Per Gynt, has been recently cleared and spruced up: an exhilarating slalom down Fromme's southern slope. Highly recommended.
Fat of the Land
Noticed not 1, not 2 but 3 clucking grouse while pausing for blueberries at virtual aid station near Hanes saddle the other day. Can you see them in the pix?
I know that you are a
I know that you are a pheasant plucker, but what of grouse?
The Bagger's Companion
So I did it again yesterday: Packed for a 3-4 hour jaunt. No preparation in case something happened. Came home 7 hours later... tired, partially covered in mud, hungry, thirsty and smelling like a bear turd.
Time to get a safety kit. But what to pack? Link to initial thoughts and a place for your comments.
'bout time ;-)
About time you start packing for more than you bargained for...it seems to be a common theme in your weekend adventures, Jackson.
A final comment
And will my ankle return to its original size before the competition is over?
Seven weekends of bagging to go
Bagger haiku:
Summer approaches
its end: the seven weekend
countdown commences.
Will anyone bag all of the peaks? Will Pace hold on to his place at the top of the heap? Will rapidly-ascending Monty Watts send him hurling off into the abyss? Does Ken Legg have an epic bagathon up his sleeve? Will Jackson take it all with a sweep of Howe Sound? The suspense is palatable.
Note: these mossy granite mountains get slippery when wet. Use grave caution when the inevitable rains return.
Montgomery and Jackson do the Grouse Loop
This morning at 9:15 am, Wendy Montgomery and Ean Jackson left Grouse parking lot with full water bladders, a couple of gels and some chocolate cookies. Given that top bagger, Glenn Pace, claimed to have bagged Crown and surrounding peaks one evening after work, we budgeted about 4 hours for our run.
Almost 7 hours later, they boarded the Grouse Skyride with hands full of coca cola and ice cream bars. The last of our water was consumed, oh, somewhere around Crown. Could have easily taken a lot longer. We were spent, but happy. What views! (See the Bagger Flickr feed for photos.)
Wendy Montgomery comes out of nowhere to bag DAM, LIL, CRO and WCR. Watch out, boys. Wendy is cooking up some routes that will shake your world... and she's got the motor to follow-thorough!
Jackson adds LIL, CRO and WCR to his bag of baggage. (Lookout, Crerar and Pace... I got your numbers. The distance is shrinking and I have a few routes of my own in mind...)
Pace, how did you do all of that in an evening? The weather was perfect for us. We were not lolly-gagging. If we'd have gone after work, we'd have ended up as statistics!
Note to those who plan on bagging WCR: The trail is sketchy in places, but it's there if you look hard enough. I've wanted to bag that particular peak for about 10 years. Thank you, Wendy, for kicking my fat ass and thank you, Glenn, for confirming that there was a trail!
You Gotta Hustle Old Man....
It's true...about 1 1/2 hours from Grouse Lodge to Crown's summit (via Little Goat), then about a 1 hour detour off of Crown Ridge to find my way to the West Crown summit & back to the ridge. No stopping allowed....just enough time to snap some pictures. And yes...I ran out of water (3 bottles worth) on the return as I passed the zip-line tower. Crerar's peak bagging-fest was even more impressive in that he nailed 6 of 'em in little more time.
Get the lead out Jackson.
Mudrunner at Litte Goat's summit tree.
Mudrunner's shadow on Crown's pointy peak.
Mudrunner on West Crown/Sleeping beauty with Crown in the background.
West Crown/Sleeping Beauty
is another great underrated peak: you're the king of the world, at the end of the world.
The trail is sketchy, but there's really only one plausible route from the meadow below Crown proper. After the minor buttress in the saddle, there's a hidden descent by a short rope but, again, where else would you go?
The Missionary Position
In Formula 1 races, there is the poll position for first out of the gate. In running races, 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions are acknowledged as being the fastest.
In the Bagger Challenge, how about recognition for the person who gets the most runners to participate? Maybe that person gets a sip of the good stuff out of the winner's Quaich?
and we do now have a special
and we do now have a special prize for the most evangelical bagger who draws in the most participants! Oh yah!
absolutely. Lots of sips.
absolutely. Lots of sips. We'll have a scotchy mass at the end of the contest.
Ambrose, Pace and Jackson do COL and BUR
"Hey Dude, why don't you blow off the Tunnel of Love run and bag Colosseum and Mount Burwell with me tomorrow", says Pace on Saturday evening when he brings my chain saw back.
"Hummmm," I think out loud. "Nobody has signed-up for the Tunnel of Love run and I don't even know if the freaking tunnel exists, let alone how to get there. Sounds like a plan. See you at 7:00 in the am."
So I call Neil and tell them there's been a change in plans. "We're going to bag 2 different peaks. Supposed to be about 4 hours at a slow run pace. And, by the way, we're going at 7:00 instead of 9:00." Easy for me to say. Neil lives in Maple Ridge, so he has to drive an hour to get to my place.
We set off at about 7:15. For the 3rd time in a week, I run on the trail to NorVan Falls. This time we turn right and head straight uphill just before the suspension bridge.
"Did you know it's been 7 years since we last ran up here", say Glenn. Goodness, how time flies. It was foggy and you couldn't see Jack the last time. When we get to the rocky place that is Colosseum peak, it's cloudless skies and a vista that goes forever this time. Smells like smoke, though... and the vistas are a bit fuzzy due to fires near Lytton.
We climb on the rock with the GPS tag and take a bagger shot just in case there is any question when it comes time to count the baggage, then head off over the rocks to neighboring Mount Burwell for more awesome views.
There was talk of bagging even more remote peaks (hey... we're this far already!), but those plans were shot down given we were by now 4 hours into our 3-4 hour out-and-back run. The Moms would not be pleased, and of course, if Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy... so we headed back.
Of course, running downhill is faster than running up. Total elapsed time: 6:30.
Nothing too gnarly... just bring plenty of water. We all ran out near NorVan on the home-come trail.
The Tunnel Exits!
I forgot to note that when we arrived back to civilization (e.g. the Lynn Headwaters parking lot), I dropped in to the little museum that's only open on some weekends. Spoke to a very knowledgeable GVRD man who confirmed that there are some tunnels in and around the Crown Mountain area. The Tunnel of Love exists... now if I could only find it!
Pace and Jackson are on
Pace and Jackson are on Bagging Viagra. Awesome burn rate for mountain conquests!
Did you know that Mudrunner is part mountain goat?
Maybe he could provide a urine sample or subject himself to a DNA test? All kidding aside that is big number in terms of total vertical. Great job everyone. This is a fun event whether one is competing with others, oneself or just motivation to get out there. We have some great athletes in our club.
Sum more baggage
Had an epic day today. Bagging Brunswick Mountain and then Mount Harvey. We summited in 2:50. The last 100 m of Brunswick is a bit of a scramble and there are some dicey spots navigating the first two subpeaks to get to the summit. Descended back down to the Howe Sound Crest trail and ran over to Magnesia meadows and saw a bear at the Magnesia hut. Scrambled up the north side of Mount Harvey. This is very steep but there are lots of easy hand holds and the prominence of Harvey is only 200 m from the col below. Just don't look down. We ran the entire descent back down to Lions Bay total round trip was 7:02 which included about 35 minutes of stops for food and pictures. Highly recommend this especially in good weather.
Not more than 15 minutes ago, I was perusing 103 hikes & considering this duo....I must be afflicted with some flatlander's disease as I figured that a 14km loop would probably be no more than 4 hours. You think I woulda learned that lesson by now!
Good work!
Brunswick & Harvey are two
Brunswick & Harvey are two hugely under-rated mountains, and sooooooo very fine on a sunny day: the first the highest, and the second practically a third Lion. Awesome.
Nice one, Monty!
I was wondering where you were hiding, you old sandbagger, you!
Strachan Baggage Count
A question for the esteemed judges...
According to "Vancouver's North Shore Hiking Trails" by International Travel Maps (1:40,000 scale), there is only one peak for Mount Strachan.
This is hooey. I was just there and Mount Strachan has two (2) very distinct peaks separated by a fairly deep valley. (One peak is close the to ski lift, while the other take some time to get to.)
If we ascended both peaks, can we claim 2 peaks?
See 13 August posting.
See 13 August posting. Admittedly does not produce entirely rational results, but it works. And Strachan does have two very nice peaks.
Ivanic and Jackson Conquer HOL, STR
Another bagger joins the challenge: Curb Ivanic.
He and I did a 3 hour run from Cypress parking lot up to Hollyburn, down the back side and up to Strachan via the plane wreak. We did *both* peaks of Strachan and then took a steep trail down the back side of Strachan to the Howe Sound Crest Trail. Curb had cash, so we blew it all on cool coronas with lime at the new Cypress Mountain chalet.
Curb ran the Knee Knacker, so he should debut with at least 3 peaks in the bag
Gotha & Wettin
Discovered (on bivouac.com) and added these two obscure peaks in the Deeks Lake area.
North Shore News covers the Baggers' Challenge
Scope out the great write-up of the Baggers' Challenge and Club Fat Ass in today's North Shore News (although too bad about the ugly photo and incoherent quotations):