WHAT: See how many North Shore peaks you can run up and bag in a summer. All but the island mountains qualify as munros (in excess of 3000 feet) under the Scottish peak-bagging system.
DATE: Between July 1 and October 22, 2009.
WHERE: non-technical or less-technical (Class 3 or easier) North Shore mountains (listed below). Although I can't list them all, I'll record peaks in Fraser Valley, and Squamish to Whistler peaks (although if push comes to shove, and there is a tie, the listed peaks will be counted). Official totals below are in brackets.
RESOURCES: For routes, etc. it is recommended to visit Bivouac.com or clubtread.com.
RESULTS: Email me your mountainous conquests, with the dates, and I will post ongoing standings. As I’m lazy, wait until you have three or four bagged before sending them in.
PHOTOS: Photos posted so far: http://www.flickr.com/search/show/?q=baggerchallenge2009
Please post your photos, too, via the CFA Flickr site: http://www.clubfatass.com/photogalleries (instructions here: www.clubfatass.com/help/image It's easy!). Please tag your photos: ClubFatAss ClubFatAssEvents BaggerChallenge2009 (space separating each tag on the flickr template)
In the case of a tie for first place:
1. non-core peaks (i.e. those not on the North Shore and not listed) will not be counted;
2. if still a tie, the bagger with the most photos posted on the CFA Flickr website will win;
3. if still a tie, the bagger with the most unique bags (i.e. peaks that no one else visited) will win;
4. if still a tie, the bagger with the most obscure/difficult bags (at the completely arbitrary discretion of the host) will win.
NO SANDBAGGING: all claims to bagging a peak must be submitted as promptly as possible (in most cases, within 3 days) of the actually climb (perhaps more if you have to stay overnight), and climbs of more than two weeks old will be stale-dated. Amnesty for submitting late peaks: October 4th
PRIZE: The winner will be the proud bearer of the CFA Bagger Quaich cup for the year: the appropriate cup from which to drink a winter whisky and contemplate how awesome you are.
There will be an auxiliary prize for the person who draws the most other people into the cult of peak-bagging.
BAGGERS' BANQUET: To cap off the bagging season, we will be hosting a barbeque for all bagger participants and their significant others. Bagger burgers (meaty and veggy) will be served. The Bagger Quaich will be awarded (unless the host wins, in which case there will be awkward silence on this topic).
Date: Friday, October 23rd. From 6pm.
Place: 1368 West 21st Street (near Capilano Elementary School, in Pemberton Heights).
RSVP jeldac "at" shaw "dot" ca
Entry: There is no fee and you don't need to be a member of Club Fat Ass to participate in a Flash event, however whining is not allowed. That being said, many of the peaks listed should only be attempted by those with the experience and fitness level of a typical Club Fat Ass member (i.e. ample mountain running experience over long distances).
No registration is required but please send your report of bagged peaks (wait until you have 3) to David (as a member you can click on David's user name and message him; if you are not a member please use the comment function below).
Important safety considerations: All of these adventures are potentially dangerous.
Mountains marked with a ** are scramble ascents or otherwise exposed or otherwise remote and undeveloped and should only be attempted by experienced climbers wearing helmets, etc. Don't try these routes in anything but perfect weather.
Use great caution when rocks are wet -- slipping is the cause of most accidents on North Shore mountains.
Always run/hike with a buddy.
You are responsible for your own well being and safety and should be self sufficient.
Here are two useful lists of "MUST HAVE" survival items that all participants should carry:
Release of All Claims. By participating in this event you agree to be wholly responsible for your own well-being and agree not to sue anyone associated with this event or Club Fat Ass or any person in relation to this activity. By participating in this event you agree to the terms of the Release of All Claims.
QUALIFYING MOUNTAINS (ranges from west to east)
Howe Sound Islands
- Mt. Liddell (Gambier Island) (904m) (LID)
- Mt. Killam (Gambier Island) (844m) (KIL)
- Mt. Artaban (Gambier Island) (615m) (ART)
- Mt. Gardner (Bowen Island) (727m) (GAR)
- Leading Peak (Anvil Island) (765m) (LEA)
Lions/Howe Sound Crest Trail Area (&&& = new route HSCT passes right over these peaks: old route drops down east towards Hanging & Enchanted Lakes, bypassing James Peak) maps.google.ca/maps/ms
- St. Mark’s Mountain (1355m) (MAR) &&&
- Unnecessary Mountain (1548 m) (UNN) &&&
- West Lion (1654m) ** (LIO)
- James Peak (1466m) (JAS) &&&
- David Peak (1480m) (DAV) &&&
- Mount Harvey (1652m) (HAR)
- Brunswick Mountain (1788m) (BRU)
- Hat Mountain (1644 m) (HAT)
- Wettin Peak (1538m) ** (WET)
- Mount Hanover (1748 m) ** (HAN)
- Mount Windsor (1689 m) (WIN)
- Deeks Peak (1672 m) (DEE)
- Gotha Peak (1641m) ** (GOT)
- Capilano Mountain (1685 m) (CAP)
Cypress Group
- Black Mountain (1217m) (BLA)
- Hollyburn Mountain (1325m) (HOL)
- Mount Strachan (1454m) (STR)
Grouse Area
- Mount Fromme (1185m) (FRO)
- Grouse Mountain (1231m) (GRO)
- Dam Mountain (1349m) (DAM)
- Goat Mountain (1401m) (GOA)
- Little Goat Mountain (1323m) (LIL)
- Crown Mountain (1504m) (CRO)
- West Crown / Sleeping Beauty Mountain (1400m) (WCR)
Lynn/Cathedral Range
- Lynn Peak (1015m) (LYN)
- The Needles (1258m) ** (NEE) (nb South Needle at 1163m qualifies for a bag -- see below)
- Coliseum Mountain (1441m) (COL)
- Mount Burwell (1541m) (BUR)
- Cathedral Mountain (1737m) ** (CAT)
Fannin Range
- Mount Seymour (1449m) (SEY)
- Runner Peak (1370 m) ** (RUN)
- Mount Elsay (1419m) (ELS)
- Rector Peak (1270m) ** (REC)
- Curate Peak (1266m) ** (CUR)
- Vicar Peak (1247m) ** (VIC)
- Mount Bishop (1509m) ** (BIS)
- Deacon Peak (1495m) ** (DEA)
- Presbyter Peak (1487m) ** (PRE)
- Mount Dickens (1288m) ** (DIC)
FINAL STANDINGS (October 22nd) [of 44 peaks in total] [Peaks and totals in square brackets = total 2009 bags from official list (including those outside Baggers Challenge time period]
David Crerar: 41(40) [44/44] : ART, BLA, SEY, BRU, HAR, LIO, UNN, MAR, HOL, STR, GRO, DAM, LIL, CRO, WCR, GOA, FRO, LYN, NEE, COL, CAP, GAR, RUN, ELS, REC, CUR, VIC, BIS, DEA, PRE, DIC, HAT, JAS, DAV, GOT, WIN, DEE, LEA, HAN, WET, [BUR, CAT, KIL, LID], Middle Needle, Fat Ass Peak
Neil Ambrose: 20(18): BLA, COL, BUR, GRO, FRO, DAM, CRO, LIL, GOA, HOL, STR, GAR, LYN, SEY, ELS, MAR, UNN, NEE, Golden Ears, Fat Ass Peak
Carolyn King: 16(13): GRO, HOL, STR, BLA, GAR, LYN, SEY, ELS, MAR, DAM, GOA, LIL, NEE, Golden Ears, Burnaby Mountain, Fat Ass Peak
Wendy Montgomery: 14(13): DAM, LIL, CRO, WCR, STR, LYN, FRO, GRO, ART, BLA, NEE, MAR, UNN, Fat Ass Peak
Mike Wardas: 11: SEY, LYN, COL, BUR, GRO, DAM, LIL, CRO, GOA, FRO, DEA
Ryan Conroy: 11(8): BLA, DAM, LIL, CRO, COL, LYN, NEE, COL, Gate, Middle Needle, North Needle
Paul Cubbon: 8(7): BLA, STR, GRO, DAM, GOA, HAT, DEE, Fat Ass Peak
Monty Watts: 7: BLA, LYN, HOL, GRO, SEY, BRU, HAR
James Clarke: 6: GRO, CRO, ELS, DAM, COL, BUR
Harry Crerar: 5: SEY, ART, GAR, STR, DAM
Rick Arikado: 5: BLA, GRO, LYN, SEY, RUN
Jason Oliver: 5(4): MAR, UNN, LIO, GRO, Golden Ears
Pippa Crerar: 4: SEY, ART, STR, DAM
Heather Urquhart: 4: MAR, UNN, LYN, NEE
Meggan Oliver: 4(3): MAR, UNN, LIO, Golden Ears
Janice Vallis: 4(3): BLA, GRO, SEY, Burnaby Mountain
Sibylle Tinsel: 3: STR, LYN, BLA
Kirsten Ramage: 3: BLA, GRO, LIL
Curb Ivanic: 3: BLA, HOL, STR
EJPowderhound Jackson: 3(2): STR, LYN, Fat Ass Peak
Glenn Dorey: 2: ART, LEA
Doug Keir: 2: LYN, GRO
Kathryn Webb: 2: LYN, GRO
Simon Cowell: 2: BRU, BLA
Donald Golob: 2: HOL, STR
Jojocheesepig Jackson: 2(1): STR, Fat Ass Peak
Rob McDonald: 1: DEA
Olav Brusletto: 1: NEE
Jill Warland: 1: BLA
Marilyn Tschirhart: 1: GAR
Ron Tschirhart: 1: GAR
Peter Rietveld: 1: GAR
Just Curious
Hey, just curious, but does the peak you bagged count if you get a chopper ride off?
Anyways, as a fellow trail runner and a member of North Shore Rescue, I just wanted to remind everyone while you are out there bagging peaks, make sure you are still carrying the 10 essentials:
Oh, and I 've done every peak on your list, but it has taken me 5 years, do I get anything for that?
Hi Doug, With regards to the
Hi Doug,
With regards to the question of winning anything for bagging all those peaks in 5 years - not within the frame of the Bagger Challenge (David is the creator of that one and in charge of prizes and rules), but on behalf of Club Fat Ass I'd like to offer you a complimentary membership valid now until the end of 2010. All you need to validate is fill out the form at http://www.clubfatass.com/join (ignore the landing page - which directs you to payment).
Also thank you to the NSR team and Tim Jones that took charge Wednesday night. Both wifes of the baggers in question (Julia and myself) were reluctant to make the call. I was pretty confident that they were fine and just got carried away by the "just one more peak" attitude. I knew part of Ean's pack list, which was reassuring. I guess my lessons learnt are to have a better understanding about return times, plan A, B and C (C was the one that was cooked up in the mountains and we didn't know about) and clear instructions as to when to call the RCMP for somebody overdue. It was reassuring to talk to Tim Jones. I was glad to learn that a search isn't automatically initiated, based on assessments around experience, preparedness, weather etc.
Like Ean mentioned somewhere in this thread, we have hosted safety seminars before and have had Allan McMordie out to talk about GPS navigation. I hope we can plan more similiar sessions in the future, raise safety awareness and support the great work NSR does.
Hi Sibylle Thanks for the
Hi Sibylle
Thanks for the kind words about NSR and the membership. I will also pass on your thanks to Tim and others involved that night. Our Team would definitely like to keep up the good relationship we have with the trail running community and by all means we could do a similar safety/navigation/gps sessions in the future.
I asked that question, too .
I asked that question, too . Need to tighten up those rules - they didn't say anything about coming down, only about getting up under your own steam.
Applications of the Brokeback Mountain Rule, volume 7, art.3.52
Just hypothetically speaking, if a bagger were to ascend and descend Mt Dickens in the dark, and then press on and climb another (unnamed) peak to the north of Mt Dickens, and then descend that, and then go back and climb Mt. Dickens again, it would probably count as a proper descent on one's own motor, and a bag.
Hi Doug, Since the other
Hi Doug,
Since the other gentleman in question is probably sleeping, I'll take a stab at your question, as it was discussed at length late last night while said gentleman and I tried to figure out where in the dickens on Dickens we needed to drop off for a water taxi ride home. It was concluded that, according to the proposed article of 7 September, a ride up doesn't count, but a ride out does.
Thank you for the link. Here's the one I did recently for fast-pack running. It would be really valuable to have you, or any of the NSSR folks comment on it (... or better yet, forward farther so this can serve folks even wider afield). It's not ideal. I'd like to flush out the "How do you decide?" criteria folks need to consider. Where do you draw the line between weight and safety in an emergency when packing for a run of any distance?
I should have also acknowledged Allan McMordie, because he got me started on making that indispensable checklist when he spoke to our club about GPS and back country safety. I'd love to see more events like that where there's lots of education and awareness-building... and it's a fundraider to support the work NSSR provides everyone who goes outdoors.
As for the baggery, my understanding of the rules is that any of the named peaks bagged over the summer count for bragging rights and an invitation to the Baggers Banquet. Gotta log them to win!
BTW, want to do the northern half of the Howe Sound Crest Trail if it stays nice through next week?
Hey Ean,Your fast-pack
Hey Ean,
Your fast-pack running list looks really good. I know what you mean about the "How to decide" criteria. I can tell you that in the five years since I have been on the rescue team my trail running pack has got a lot heavier. I have seen a lot of what can happen... If you even out the weight with everyone in the group, then everyone is a little slower.
Your list is pretty close to what I carry on medium length runs, the only other thing I have that you wouldn't is my Team VHF radio on trips where the cell phone won't work. People could substitute the radio with the Sat phone, SPOT or FRS radio as you suggest. On longer runs along with the bivy sac or emerg blanket and large garbage bag I would bring an emegency shelter:
I would be very interested in the HSCT next week if the weather holds. I am supposed to work, but I do have my priorities!
How about Hannover?
Saturday 3 Oct? Sunday 4 Oct? I propose clear skies only... no good for photos if you can't see!
Bagger's Favorite Things
Mountains with trails and outings together
Cloudless blue skies with views to forever
Bushwacking, cliff climbing, bodies with dings
These are a few of my favorite things.
Early departures with coffee in hand
With runners on bagging the high points of land
Laughing and enjoying a sport made for kings
These are a few of my favorite things.
Crazy companions and whirly-bird rides
Photos on summits and slippery, scree slides
Calling off rescues if the phone rings
These are a few of my favorite things.
When the rain falls
When the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad
Ean Jackson, September 2009
To be sung to the tune of Rogers and Hammerstien's "My Favorite Things"...
Baggers... feel free to add verses in comments below. I will sing this at the Baggers Banquet, should I live so long!
Let's plan and see what happens.
I will check the schedule for the ferry and connecting water taxi or boat.
The Indian Arm Sweep - First Baggers?
Wednesday 23 September 2009... a date with destiny.
David Crearar and Ean Jackson go for a little 22-hour orgy of bagging and possibly lay claim to a first bagger of all of the peaks on the Indian Arm Trail. (Tip of the hat to Murray Comley and Laddie Hannam who have also run the Indian Arm trail, but who didn't bag all of the peaks at the same time. OK, we didn't bag Mount Seymour this time 'cause we didn't need it.)
To those who like statistics or want to try this stunt on their own, here are some of ours:
We are hoping that David's GPS will show our route, but fear dead batteries will make that unlikely. Photos to follow.
Air assist
A "little" bird told me your return to the Mt Seymour parking lot was quite memorable!
Does Panorama Ridge count for bagging? Made a lovely detour from the Rubble Creek route last weekend.
I should at least get on the list since I'm thinking of crashing your BBQ
Legal Baggage
List of baggable peaks at the top of this loooong thread. Since when is a ridge a peak?
New Name for Little Dickens?
There are three (3) peaks called "Dickens" near the head of Indian Arm. If you refer to Mount Dickens, which in the dickens of the Dickens do you mean?
Mudrunner agreed when the issue was addressed at judo this evening. He thinks it should be called Brokeback Mountain. Crerar, you should ask him why. I think your wife put the bug in his ear.
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bagging)
Above: Bishop Crerar (L), Presbyter Jackson (R) of the Church of the Sacred Bagger (note condition of gloves)
My note will be pithy: there are beautiful views and arduous peaks in the outer limits of the North Shore Mountains.
And just like there is no basement at the Alamo, there is no obvious route to Wigwam Inn from Mt. Dickens.
And one hasn't lived until one spends an evening under the stars sharing a space blanket with Mr. Ean Jackson.
Very well done!!
Insanely envious that I didn't take the time off to join you....I kept looking out my office window at the perfectly cloudless day & wondering where you would be...& then I got those pictures via Crerar's blackberry.
I sobbed for a moment.
Hat's off to you....well done!
Anyone interested in Gambier on Saturday?
Me me me
If my boss lets me. She may have good reason to not...
Nobody ever thanks the wives or husbands that hold the fort...
David's better half wrote a very lovely (and accurate) sonnet that describes perfectly the action of a handful of crazy FA'ers. Bagging peaks when there's chores to be done? Kids to be taken care of? I know I know we'll get back to the chores when either the weather craps out or the time limit passes.
So come Oct 23rd look for a whole lot of 'payback' for all of those peaks bagged!
adventuremike (fellow FA member and guilty peak-bagger)
The Bagger Wife's Lament
Another sunny day and I'm a widow here once more;
My husband's bagging mountains: I build towers on the floor.
He said he'd mow the lawn and take his eldest child to cubs
And help me feed the kids and get the baby in the tub
103 Hikes says nine hours but Dave swears it's only two
I'd better email Pace and find out if this is true.
Should I bother making dinner? or just eat toast and tea.
Will he drift in tired and hungry with blood and mudstains on his knee?
Or will he show up full and jubilant, and bound in to the house,
With his tummy full of berries, flourishing a fresh-caught grouse?
7:30. Still not here: the sky is now dark blue.
The kids are finally quiet, but there's still so much to do.
Are Dave and Ean lost? or did they just turn off their phones.
I guess I should decide if it is time to call Tim Jones...
Sorry Julie, Ean just came
Sorry Julie, Ean just came home, doesn't know where David is...but I heard they are cooking up a plan for tomorrow ;-)
Make sure you tell David that Ean needs to be home at 17:00 tomorrow for a BBQ
Great lament, BTW - I feel your pain!
GAR in the Bag
Newbie Peter Rietveld and oldbie Ean Jackson hereby lay claim to having bagged Mount Gardiner on Bowan Island. In fact, we bagged both peaks... just to be sure.
Peter flew from the Netherlands to Calgary and rode his bike to North Vancouver in order to participate in what is now the world famous Bagger Challenge. In addition to the dramatic demonstration of physical dedication to the challenge, he chose to make his entre on his birthday.
Best peaks?
For Me The Next
The challenge is great
The hills are high
The list is long
Must do what calls nigh
A climb undone
A peak unseen
A run not run
Is a life stuck in between
The valleys are nice
And the peaks apart
Which one to pick
Might want to use a dart
If you have to go
Then that's the one
For us to know
It matters to you if it gets done
So choose it well
I say and speak
For me the next
May be Lynn Peak
H.O.S.E.R.s are baggers too!
9:00 am Monday morning and I'm reflecting on a weekend that was amazing; the latest CFA event that was successful but almost uneventful because it went so well for everyone; weather that was being unsettled but likely clearing; and finding out that Jackson was restless as usual. Need I say more? I thought so.
I've just had a great weekend of bagging and CFA point getting, the best I could hope for, and I, as well as one of my compatriot's, both thought it was going to be a productive day of job hunting and resting. What else is Monday for when you're unemployed? But no, Ean contacted Heather Urquhart, John McGrath and I to keep the bagger challenge frenetically alive. John couldn't make it but Heather and I were in. So, within 3 hours, I got Heather from the bus loop, headed to Jacksonville, and zipped up Cypress to start the ascent. The trick was, of course, and as I warned Heather in advance, Ean would have a hidden agenda. We were tasked with securing a new and perfect rock for a specific project in the backyard at Jacksonville. Like we had a choice already.
Without too much detail, the Howe Sound Crest Trail is very doable but also gets rougher the farther you climb. We did our best with the energy we had and time flew by. After a tiny bit of route finding and what some would say qualifies as whining due to inclement weather by the senior of the group, we were at the top of St. Marks and looking for our picture posing spot. We had also passed a way-faring Czech lass on the way up I might add. She started in Lion's Bay alone and was already on her way down to Cypress Bowl. We chatted and promised to catch her on the way back and give her a ride down the mountain so she could catch a bus home to Burnaby.
There wasn't much for any of us to see at the top but on the way through St. Marks Peak we noticed a side hill that seemed a bit higher still. This needed some investigation on the return trip.
So onward to Unnecessary. Still no sun and quite an exposed trail in spots. The weather oddly kept switching between rain and dryness. We got the pictures at the top and headed back to that side hill on St. Marks. This was clearly a good idea. All agreed the short climb up the drenched heather fields to the REAL top of St. Marks was worthy. One more pic and we beat the trail for home.
We caught up to the Czech lass on the currently under re-construction section of the HSCT. She joined us and we all ran back to the bowl for the ride down. It was four hours of fantastic trail running but less than stellar views of course. We'll all be returning some day for better picture opportunities.
Of course the hidden agenda was still an issue. Ean found the perfect slab on the way up and asked for help to bring it down. He almost had Czech lass completely convinced, but, I reminded him that when someone wants to bring a rock home it's okay as long as they carry it themselves. I think he moved it a good chunk down the last bit of roadway but "hid" it for later retrieval. It really is a nice rock I must say.
We were all happy for the chance to be out there once again but perhaps not so happy we had the time on a Monday to do it. So for that reason this route has been christened for the H.O.S.E.R.s (Happy Or Sad Energetic Runners).
Put us all down for a MAR and UNN. And need I say watch out for a rock carrying Bagger hound.
Of Rocks and Whine
True, while on a clandestine voyage of baggery this afternoon, I did come across the ideal rock for the coolest garden water tap imaginable. Also true: after hiking from Lions Bay to Cypress alone in the fog with the bears and HOSERS, Petra from the Czech Republic did haul the magic rock for several meters while a couple of fat asses sat idly by and laughed.
Little did the laughing fat asses know, Jackson was cooking up a plan for a new CFA Flash event called "Find the Magic Rock." All you have to do is find the rock pictured in the photo and bring it to Jacksonville for a prize on or before 1 November 09.
Dho! I didn't get a photo of Petra in the act, but she did bag 2 peaks today and claims to have summited several others since July. Hopefully, she wasn't scared off by us... she may debut very high on the bagger chart.
The rock no doubt...
...scared her less than Craig's shorts. I thought that those were illegal.
And Petra of the Rock is most welcome to send in her baggage total.
"Depends" makes shorts??!!
David I'll 2nd that motion on Craig's shorts. That's funny. I also didn't know lugging around stone was part of the plan. What's next a replication of the creation of Stonehenge?
On a frustrating note as I look at the calendar ahead with other running events in the future, my son's football games and with the days getting shorter I don't see more than a few potential bagging days ahead of me. I might get out-bagged by a canine. :(
Furthermore I'll miss the presentation of the Quaich as on the 22nd of Oct. I'm in Merritt at a 10 day silent meditation retreat. I hope to see pictures upon my return.
Good luck and be safe everyone ..... only 37 bagging days left.
it's an avoidance technique
the shorts thing is a good way to avoid Barbeau-ish leg rash in the rain. Plus it feels great when I'm running ... I think it makes me faster and I can use all the help I can get. Sorry to my running mates for exposing them to my perhaps Unnecessary trail evils.
The drama, the agony, the ecstacy
Look at Moore rocket up the Bagger Lists after vowing never to return to Unnecessary!
And Mudrunner can now hear Jackson's ambitious breathing at his heels!
And note the irony of a dog passing the veterinarian in the standings!
In other news, the quaich has just this day arrived from Scotland. It is shiny and lovely.
I started calling Ean Obelix
Too funny, you nailed that Action Jackson. Always watch for the secret agenda ;-) even the kids are now aware of that...can you believe that he got me and a friend lost for 2hours in Pacific Spirit Park (of all places) when we were out for an easy hour (and I don't get lost easily). The secret agenda (what was it again) got us off trail and bushwhacking somewhere off Salish trail...
Baggers Cramps
Hounds from Hell. Leave me alone!
Love Mt Gardner on a sunny day
Bagger Modesty
Ol' Man Crerar not only bagged Gardener, but what the buy neglected to mention was that he did so the day after WINNING Haliburton 50km in Ontario!!!
Way to go you ol' Sand-Bagger!
And I thought he was off on a family vacation...
Ditto on MudRunner's "sandbagger" assessment. Atta go!
True Summit
nb actual Gardner peak is the treed, viewless south peak, about 150M south of the ultra-scenic north peak.
The vista gives a good view of the HSCT mountains: Hat, Brunswick, Harvey (& Pup), David, James, Lions, Unnecessary, St. Mark's, Strachan, Black
The Lions Bay Loop
As the sun edged toward the horizon on Saturday 12 September, Glenn Pace, Ken Legg, Tundra the Ultra Dog and Ean Jackson set off on a mission to bag several peaks in and around the Howe Sound Crest Trail.
By the end of the day, they had bagged five peaks: West Lion (LIO), James (JAS) and David (DAV) Peaks, Mount Harvey (HAR) and Brunswick Mountain (BRU). Total time on their feet: just under 10 hours.
The net of it was that all 4 baggers enjoyed a spectacular day in the boonies and two (2) new leaders have emerged in the challenge: one human and one K9!
Some photos of a spectacular day!
Conquerors of Peaks!
Well done.
Now would be a good time to make sure that I've recorded all of your bags for the year: they're all there?
the easy stuff please ...
The weather is just too nice to let easy mountain non-baggage days slip through ...
On Friday Sept 11, I found myself zipping up the GG to bag a GRO. The view was spectacular as I rounded the back side of the peak under the zipline. Berries were out and so were the people. Down by way of the Skyride with my pass. I'm obliged to admit this was my very first complete climb of the GG ;)
On Saturday Sept 12 I was up early and off to Cypress with my buddy Donald Golob. We parked in the bowl and made our way up the BP to the top of HOL. Saw one fellow coming off the top around 8:00 am so he was up there quite early to enjoy the morning as he told us. Then down the back side gully and over to STR by way of the plane wreckage site. I was trying to heed the call of nature but 2 ladies kept sneaking up on me ... couldn't decide which way they wanted to go on the trail. Up to the top to find a man and his baby girl enjoying the view with us as we snacked. The baby girl didn't seem to be happy for a bit but settled down once they got moving again. If you're gonna cry, might as well do it at the top of your lungs and at the top of a mountain. Over to STR proper for incredible views. This is the first time I've been back to STR in well over 30 years. It's a view you remember forever of the endless mountain ranges, ocean and city views. Down the back side of STR, the long, long gulley, full of berries as was the whole trip. Speaking of trip, I almost got dragged down the gulley by a large loose boulder. Instead it just ripped my calf and shin to pieces. Eventually cleaned up and cooled off in the creek and was okay to make it back to the bowl by way of the HSCT. My first time up HOL. Don's first time up both. Did I mention blue huckleberries and blueberries everywhere and the amazing views!!!!!!!!!
n.b. I was okay to run one loop of MHM the next day in a PB nonetheless.
Craig on Hollyburn
Well done!
Strachan and Hollyburn bring so much pleasure -- and so close to home. Glad that you had a perfect day, and nice job storming up the bagging lists.
World Record Baggage on Saturday?
It looks like this Saturday will be a really good day to play outdoors. Anyone interested in joining me for a little baggage run?
Objective: Maximize number of peaks that can be bagged in one (1) day along the HSCT (Howe Sound Crest Trail) and Howe Sound Islands routes. Possible first bagger claims and opportunity to set a new world record. Also, cause the current leader of the Bagger Challenge some serious gastrointestinal distress.
Agenda: TBD. Thoughts follow. Depends on who is interested and some other logistical things, such as can we find someone with a boat and a sense of adventure.
This would likely be a full day and could well involve bushwacking in the dark on a remote island in Howe Sound, so best to give thought to Bagger's Essential Companion. Would be nice to meet friendly folks with Guinness at key access points. Possibility of doing lesser routes for the less ambitious or those who have already bagged HSCT/Howe Sound Island peaks.
Anyone interested in all or part of this prospective bagging extravaganza? Any thoughts on route plan? Please chip in comments here.
Will have to pass: I'll be in Ontario this weekend, where I could bag Yonge Street or maybe Parliament Hill or maybe some other daunting slope (but I'll also get to do the Haliburton 50K).
I'm a lame duck bagger, and am basically booked up until after October 22nd. Someone else will win the quaich (for the year).
The HSCT is definitely, after the Cirque de Grouse, the most baggage for your buck, and would propel Action Jackson to the lead of this epic contest. Make sure that you do 'new route' (see Robbins/Gildersleeve blogs) over James and David Peaks rather than dipping to the east side, along the traditional route. Bring water purifiers and load up at lake below the West Lion.
Gambier is trickier than it looks: the two western peaks are apparently somewhat gnarly, if short, and there was no water on Artaban (although that will now presumably have changed, there are no big creeks: bring water purifiers).
And eat tonnes of wild blueberries: good for the gut, and full of antioxidants.
Capping off the long weekend
On a perfect day, Capilano would be an epic epic adventure. On a cloudy day, it was still a celebration of trail running.
Excellent trail descriptions in Matt Gunn's Scrambles in SW BC, and here:
It is a long slog (I'd recommend a full day, although tight timing forced me to run it in 5 hours), with much soggy climbing. But there are still good stretches of trail running, especially when approaching Beth Lake, and the glorious granite rockfield at the base of the mountain. The views from the summit on a clear day would be stunning. But even without views, the hike is gorgeous, with old growth cedars, tarns, ice fields, and boulders. One has that tingly "into the wild" sense throughout the run.
The trail is also a mycologist's delight, teeming with gigantic boletes, amanitas, bears' heads, and other weird stuff. And perhaps the finest preserve of the various species of mountain blueberries: big like Needles blueberries, and delicious like Crown blueberries.
The summit was fairly socked in with clouds, but suddenly the clouds parted to reveal a view of my city of birth, both fortunate and fortuitous.
The trail is easy to follow: well-marked, with no other distracting side-trails to get lost on. The only tricky parts are the beginning and end. Bring an All W-D/ 4X4, a good map and closely follow the driving instructions (set out in the links above). At the quarry 1.6k past the gate, keep right (blue flagging tape). Cross three bridges and park. The start is a bit of an act of faith, following an obvious but overgrown (and unmarked) trail. There is a mudslide, then two medium-sized creeks requiring rock-hopping and then Beth Creek, a substantially larger creek. Just after Beth Creek, the trail starts to the right. It is very well marked and obvious until near the end, when the blinding-white granite boulder field makes it hard to follow, despite cairns. The summit is approached from the south (right), not the cirque lake (straight/left).
Capilano Mountain route
Summit area: note lovely cirque lake, and my drunken-sailor route-finding
Very impressive weekend, my friend!
Nice way to "Cap"-off a full weekend of Baggin'!!!
Quite frankly, I wondered if you would pull that last one off. I had read the "Climbs in SW BC" guide & it describes the hike as long, brushy, & "requiring a full day". Based on your proposed start time, I wondered if it was totally futile.
Good on ya!
If a male participant is a "Bagger"
is a female a "Baguette"?
Running out of bagging days!
Hello gang,
Happy to have bagged some peaks this season and looking for more! Time is running out. I wonder if anyone will bag Cathedral with it being so difficult to get to? The accounts that I have heard of are from experieced people really pushing the route to do it in less than 14 hours. I think 12.5 is VERY fast!
If one was to get into the watershed 'legally' and approach from Pallisade lake does that count?
I wonder...
Short of a parachute drop, a
Short of a parachute drop, a helicopter trip, or a skilift directly to the summit, for the purposes of the contest, any approach to any mountain qualifies.
Should have come to WITP in Kamloops!
Guys............you are bagging too hard! I have a spare Quaich and more than enough whiskey for all of us so take care out there! Very impressive adventures though!
Warm and dry in Kamloops!
I'll hold you to that...
Congrats to you and to Carolyn. Thanks for the ride, by the way. Plenty of time to talk bagger strategy en route to Kamloops!