
Training partners wanted by new Vancouverite

Hi, I'm new to Vancouver and am looking for other trail runners to train with. Anyone out there open to another person joining their group? I'm interested in running anywhere from 8-10km up to 25-30km per run.



Training runs...

I live on Vancouver Island and often wonder what you mainlanders are up to? I would like to come over more often but am never sure who is running where and when. Would it be possible to post a bulitin board of weekend runs with a contact Ph. number?

Welcome Carlos

I wonder the same thing about runner in the Vancouver Inland and where they like to run. I knew Beacon park is a nice place, by the water and Parliment building but I saw a few homeless people and tents make me unease. ;) I am going to Victria Marathon this weekend so wish me luck. Yes, if you interested in a trail run or hiking with someone. Let me knew. I don't have a car so bus will be my transportation. There is a fatass race coming up so maybe I see you there.


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