
Club Fat Ass Events

Go Deep

15 Nov 2008 08:30
North Vancouver, BC  Canada

Speaker Event - Slideshow (Stein Valley Run, Grand Canyon Run, Chilko Challenge)

4 Nov 2008 19:00
4 Nov 2008 21:00
975 Marine Drive, North Vancouver, BC Canada

What: Join our sponsor and Business Member, Kintec, and Club Fat Ass for a slideshow of outdoor adventures and a Club social wrap-up of the year.

We start out with an opportunity to mix and mingle, meet old and new members and those sitting on the fence ;-)  There will be a slideshow of images from past CFA events running in the background.

The focus of the evening will be a slideshow of several CFA adventure runs:

Ann's Get Your Fat Ass Off The Couch

17 Oct 2009 08:30
North Vancouver, BC Canada

Mary Leliveld's Happy Trails

26 Jul 2009 16:00
North Vancouver, BC Canada

Come and join us to celebrate and remember the life of a friend who can no longer run with us.

There is a slight change to the time of the "run" section for Mary Leliveld's Happy Trails Run.  We will start at 4:00 p.m. instead of 3:00 pm so we can start with the potluck dinner after the run is finished.

Squamish Night Run

18 Jul 2009 19:00
Squamish, BC Canada
A night run on the Stormy course as preparation for the Stormy 100 Mile runners. Details to be confirmed.

Flash - Cresting the Howe Sound

28 Sep 2008 07:00
28 Sep 2008 15:00
North Vancouver (Meet at Cypress Parking Lot)

Mutha's Nature Trail Run

21 Sep 2008 09:00
East Vancouver, BC Canada
Please find details for this run through the links below:

Flash - Whistler Alpine Run

13 Sep 2008 07:00
Whistler, BC Canada (meet to carpool in West Vancouver)

How about a nice run up in the alpine in Whistler? Chris and I are planning a run this Saturday Sept 13th  up in Whistler.

Go Home Via The Hanes Valley

22 Aug 2009 08:30
22 Aug 2009 18:00
North Vancouver, BC Canada
Please find more event info and registration through the links below:

Invite to the September CFA Steering Committee Meeting And Mixer

18 Sep 2008 20:00
18 Sep 2008 21:30
The Yellow Beacon, North Vancouver, BC, Canada
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