
Marc's blog

Register now for The Club Fatass Boot Camp

I talked to a few people who consider coming out for one or both of the Boot Camps.

Please make sure to register, so I have an idea how many people to expect.

Have a great workout and help me raise some funds for North Shore Rescue in the process.

Check out all the details here:

Monday June 4

Fat Ass Knee Knacker Fundraiser / Adopt a New Knacker

I registered for this years Knee Knacker which will also be my first Ultra marathon (so much for picking an easy one to start out).

New years resolutions - Marc Schmitz

1. Complete (my first) 2 Ultras (maybe the Kneeknacker route plus one additional one)

2. Complete 6 CFA events plus 6 flash events (days of peak bagging would count as a flash event since it serves a club related purpose)

3. Volunteer or collect garbage while participating in CFA events on 3 occasions throughout the year

4. Get to know my fellow CFA members (potentially being able to recognize at least 20 of you on the street by the end of the year, know your names and remember at least one detail about you)

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