1. Complete (my first) 2 Ultras (maybe the Kneeknacker route plus one additional one)
I completed the Knee Knacker and Frosty Mountain (both were awesome races, but I think I liked Frosty even slightly better, due to the low key feel and the fact that I had never run any of the course) 10/10
2. Complete 6 CFA events plus 6 flash events (days of peak bagging would count as a flash event since it serves a club related purpose)
The point series statistics say I did 8 events and I have 12 points as an event host so I must have hosted 12 flash events (plus I attended some additional ones and did some peak bagging) 10/10
3. Volunteer or collect garbage while participating in CFA events on 3 occasions throughout the year
Did some volunteer trail work with the Knee Knacker folks and collected garbage on several occasions either during CFA events or during training runs. 10/10
4. Get to know my fellow CFA members (potentially being able to recognize at least 20 of you on the street by the end of the year, know your names and remember at least one detail about you)
I tallied that one up in my head and I am confident, that I accomplished that one. 10/10
5. Collect a total of 4 snow adventures throughout the year (snowboarding, snowshoeing or XC skiing)
That one is a tight one, but I managed 3 Snowshoe and 1 Snowboard outings throughout the year (1 Tobogganing as a bonus, but still no xc skiing). 10/10
6. Turn "Seymour Sunday" into a regular off season CFA flash event staple
I hosted 12 Flash event Seymour Sundays and I managed to never having to run by myself. I am hoping to grow the number of people who are coming out to each event a little bit this winter. 8/10
7. Maintain a clean vegetarian diet without having to struggle to do so (very little refined foods, gmo-foods , alcohol, white sugar and flour; no coffee) (maybe a good indicator of success would be attaining and maintaining a single digit body fat content by the time my birthday rolls around (end of April) without straining to do so / hey, the new fancy scale's gotta be good for something)
That one did not really work out for me. I did stay of the coffee and meat and managed to practice moderation in most of the other departments. In the end of the day my weight stayed pretty even throughout the year, but never really went down to the mean and lean level where I would have liked it too be. 5/10
Total: 63/70 = 90%
Inittially I said I will not be satisfied with less than 100%. I cannot help, but feel accomplished about the way the year has gone though. I learned a lot about running longer and fueling, plus I met some great people in the process.
I guess overall I did set realistic goals for myself.
Got another snowy outing in
Just to show off. It was much easier once I put the Snowshoes on the correct foot after about half an hour.
What can I say? It was the season opener and I am a bit of an expert :-)