
Should Fat-Asses Date Fat-Asses?

Most of us are familiar with the debate over whether or not work colleagues should date one another.  Some say no.  Some say yes.  Some yes but only if they’re not already married to other people.  Yet others say work?  But tasteless jokes about small island nations like Newfoundland aside, I’m wondering if the same question should be asked about Fat-Asses dating Fat-Asses. 

Now I know there is some Club Fat Ass precedent here involving a certain couple who met, interestingly, at one of the CFA night runs.  Why do I say “interestingly”?  No reason. 

Why do I ask?  Well, on Tuesday night I had a date with another Fat Asser.  “Gasp!  How could this be?”, you might ask.  “Doesn’t Bill [not my real name] run on Tuesday nights?”  Well it’s true.  It happened.  Now, I think it went pretty well but, being pretty much of a goof when it comes to matters of the heart, what I think and what is really the case could be quite different (at least we didn’t end up at a gay bar like one of Tim’s heterosexual friends on a first date – not that there’s anything wrong with that).   Couple that with the fact that I haven’t been on a date since … never mind … awhile, I’m never too sure about these things.  (For the record, I thought that my counterpart in this experience was pretty much the Cat’s Meow.  The nice thing about blogging is that you can say things like that, meaning it, without stu … stuttering.) 

So what do you think?  Have I crossed the line into the land of taboo?  I’m hoping not but, if the masses tell me otherwise, then I guess I’ll have to, well, ignore a lot people.


Killaine's picture

Fat Asses Need Love Too!

Damn your adorable Bill! That's so sweet, and I'm sure she's blushing!

As for the question, personally I encourage inter-fat ass dating. Date as many as you like Bill. Date them one at a time or many at once. Date girls, date boys, or try some of each. Date the hairy and the smooth, the drunks and the abstainers. Date the fast and the slow, the ultrarunners and the Sun Run crowd. If the intentions are good, the vibes are positive, and the heart in charge, it can only be a good thing! Fat asses need love too!   
Sibylle's picture

Nicely said, Killaine

Nicely said, Killaine
Ean Jackson's picture

CFA Bandanas

Hey bro,

This is getting a bit close for comfort.  Are you slagging bandanas?  Are you making a pre-emptive poach of one of my upcoming fashion posts

Dude, if I were you, I'd head on over to the Club Fat Ass store and score one of those fancy bandanas for the fast woman of your dreams so she can wear it at the next CFA event (namely mine this coming Sunday.)  

You might want to get one of those bandanas for yourself and Tim's friend, too, while you're at it.  You never know when you'll need one.  This could be the start of a new fashion trend...

Bill Dagg's picture

Something to sort out?

You know it's time to get worried when the event host doesn't even know what day his event is on!

Regarding the bandana issue ... I said I'd try it didn't I?  I guess it worked for you with Sibylle.

Sibylle's picture

Who said something about a bandana?

Hey dude,

It's a thong:http://www.cafepress.com/clubfatass.115096902 not sure why the photo doesn't show for you, it does for me. Argh.

Fixed Jackson's date glitch.  He can barely remember his birthday...
Sibylle's picture

Oh, I am having too much fun

Oh, I am having too much fun here.  Required CFA dating wear would be:

Bill Dagg's picture

No piccie

Too bad!  When I looked at this at work (good use of work time, I know), your nice little picture showed up.  Can't see it at home here so I'll have to go from memory.  What is that anyway?  Some sort of fancy bandana?  Never been much of a bandana wearer but, if you think it'll help ...
Craig Moore's picture

what do I think?

how about you and the Cat's Meow go on a double date with me and mine? We could report back to the group on the gritty details and give some real insiders opinions about a variety of CFA dating methods.  It would be like a double-blog-date, or double-date-blogging, or ... well, just plain fun I'm sure.

once bitten, now happy.
Bill Dagg's picture

Can you be trusted?

Still working on the single date part but, perhaps down the road.  How do I know you can be trusted?


Well, the sparkle in Craig's eyes Kiss, the smiles on his otherwise serious face Smile, and the near disappearance of his crankiness Tongue out should be a good indication that he can be trusted.  As a non-running member (but nonetheless faithful crew member) of CFA, I am enjoying the great times my sweetie and I spend together at CFA events - just another venue to spend sweet times together.  So in answer to your query about Fat Assers dating Fat Assers, my reply is:  GO FOR IT and have FUN!

By the way, you certainly looked dapper and dandy when we ran into you on Granville Island!

Sibylle's picture

The Gossip Mill

Bill, are you trying to tell us you just now started dating another fat ass? It's about time!  The girls in the club have been matching you up (secretly of course) for a while now.  Mind you, we thought you were already dating.  So, as Chief Executive Fat Ass, I'd say it's high time you catch up to the gossip mill ;-) Just don't get your heart broken...and don't get cheeky with me, eh!  I asked him (offline) who the "happy one" is and he responded "why, it's me!"  HEY! HELLO! YOU DATE! Looks like your secret is safe with Bill (not his real name).  Such a gentleman.  But beware, the other fat asses are watching you!

You're funny

Go for it.  With a sense of humour like yours, how can you offend anyone?  But no more missed runs, heh?

Bill Dagg's picture

Thanks Cheryl

You being the charter member of my fan club, I would have expected nothing less from you.

Which reminds me, how's that fan web site coming along? I've Googled for it but still comes up empty.  Hmm.  Must be some technical glitch, I'm sure.

A big fan

Yep, I am one of your biggest fans.  AND, it's my constant goal to keep you from lapping me on the Fat Ass runs.  Maybe the dating thing will slow you down a bit and I won't have to work so hard!

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