
Welcome To Our New Website

Hi members and friends!

I am happy to announce that the new Club Fat Ass website was officially launched Tuesday 10 May 2005.

While it may take you a while to get used to the new look and navigation, I hope you will appreciate all the great features:

Please note that although our main URL hasn't changed, all other URL's have. If you have old bookmarks, please update them.

Left column. I tried to model the navigation in the left column of the new website after the old website so you feel at home. The "Members In Action" area will eventually feature revolving photos of Club members, so be sure to send me your "Traveling T-Shirt" photos if you want to be a famous cover girl (or boy!)

Center column. This is where your comments, event announcements etc. will go. Most recent messages will be on the top.

Right column. Here is where you will find a calendar and a list of upcoming events to make it easy to find Club events. If your are a signed in user, the right column is also the place where you find your account links and the feature to create your messages. "Endurance Sport On The Web" contains feeds from some of the online forums you might be participating in now. You can see if there have been new posts and you can directly link to the ones that interest you. If you would like to see any RSS supported sites added here, please let me know. I hope this "one stop shop" will save you the aggravation of getting tons of email in your InBox. Better yet, you can access this from any computer (e.g. work! =;-)

Top of the page. This is where you will find our photo galleries, forums, community links, sponsors and the messages from other online forums in the news aggregator.

User Login

As in the past, anyone can access the Club website. However, CFA members, CFA Event Hosts and anyone who signs-up on the site can now post comments and join in discussion forums.

I encourage you to sign in. Please use your real name (Yourfirstname Yourlastname) as your username as that's hard to forget! Once you have signed on to the website, you will automatically receive signed-in user status. If you are a CFA member, I will upgrade your account to member privileges. This may take a couple of days.

Post a Message:
Depending on your user level, you can post comments, stories and images, participate in the forums and add weblinks of sites relevant to the endurance sport community. Pretty cool, eh? Please use this responsibly. If you're not sure if what you want to post is appropriate, please email me. Let's keep it clean, positive and upbeat.

There are still lots of loose ends to tie up and I hope to add lots of new features over time. Have fun and be generous with your feedback. (Yes, you can share your opinions on the actual website where everyone can see them if you are logged in!)

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass

PS I will be out of country for 2 months starting Monday 16 May. I will maintain the site remotely, but probably won't have regular access to the Internet and email. Please be patient when emailing me.


Congratulations !!!

Well Done Sibylle !! The site looks fantastic!
Sibylle's picture


Hey, I am turning into a geek after all ;-) It's pretty cool what you can do with this platform,, and I haven't even opened some of the features.

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